
Immigration has issued 68,829 passports for Hajj purposes in the first quarter of 2023, starting until the end of April 2023.

"The Directorate General of Immigration has established good cooperation with the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) to make it easier for Hajj pilgrims to process passports," said the Sub-Coordinator of Public Relations of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Immigration Achmad Nur Saleh, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 26.

Achmad explained that the dominance of passport applications for Hajj destinations in many immigration offices throughout Indonesia was supported by the 2023 hajj quota, which doubled when compared to the previous year.

"As well as immigration policies and various facilities provided by immigration offices to serve pilgrims to make them more flexible in managing passports," he continued.

On February 22, 2023, the Directorate General of Immigration officially revoked the Ministry of Religion's recommendation requirements for processing hajj passports. From the evaluation results, the Ministry of Religion's recommendation does not guarantee that passports will not be misused while abroad.

Achmad appealed to the companies/association of Hajj organizers to ensure that their pilgrims return to the country when the Hajj season ends. If it is proven that there are hajj organizers who violate the regulations, the policy will be re-evaluated.

In addition to implementing the policy of revocation of the Ministry of Religion's recommendation requirements for Hajj passports, immigration offices throughout Indonesia also often coordinate with the local Ministry of Religion to provide several passport service programs, such as picking up special balls for prospective pilgrims.

Immigration officers come directly to the local Ministry of Religion's office to serve the congregation so that it saves the applicant's time.

Immigration also has an Eazy Passport program for prospective pilgrims by serving collective passport applications at the place/location they want. Immigration officers will come to locations determined by the Hajj Worship Guidance Group (KBIH) or the Ministry of Religion Office, such as housing, offices, and others.

"The Eazy Passport program is in great demand by passport applicants in areas that have quite difficult access or wide area coverage. These services can be utilized if they are collected at least 30 (three) applicants," he said.

Meanwhile, passport services for prospective pilgrims on weekends are also carried out at several immigration offices. The Hajj Guidance Group (KBIH) or the Ministry of Religion Service contacted the nearest immigration office, especially to get the service.

Through these various efforts, the Directorate General of Immigration hopes that this year's Hajj will run smoothly without any problems, and the pilgrims will become a large pilgrimage.

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