
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has sealed 971 boxes containing 9.7 tons of frozen frozen fish or Frozen Pacific Mackarel in three fish warehouses in West Kalimantan.

"Of the three warehouse locations visited by the Directorate General of PSDKP, a total of 9.7 tons of salem-type imported fish were temporarily sealed until the follow-up to the importer examination in Jakarta was declared complete," said Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) Adin Nurawaluddin as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 26.

The sealing carried out in one of the fish warehouses in Kubaya Regency, Sekadau Regency, as well as a warehouse in Singkawang City, was caused by imported fish that should have been intended for the indexing industry allegedly circulating not according to the designation in Pontianak City and its surroundings.

"This action in addition to violating applicable regulations has also caused local fish prices on the market to fall and cause fishermen to lose money," he added.

Adin explained, based on the results of the examination of the fisheries supervisor at the Pontianak PSDKP station, the salmon type imported fish that should have been intended for the indexing industry was sold in retail at the Pontianak local market and its surroundings at a price of Rp. 21,000 per kg. This price is cheaper than the fish price caught by local fishermen which is sold at a price of Rp. 28,000 per kg.

Adin said that his party had deployed Fisheries Supervisors at the Jakarta PSDKP Base to investigate importing business actors located in Jakarta.

For the purposes of the investigation, currently, the three companies that have been temporarily sealed are temporarily prohibited from selling imported fish types of sale and breaking fishery seal and surveillance lines in their respective warehouses.

This KKP firm action is a form of KKP's firm commitment to protecting fishermen in accordance with Law Number 7 of 2016 concerning Fishermen's Protection and Empowerment, Fish Cultivation and Salt Petambak.

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