
JAKARTA - Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia (Unhan RI) dan Universitas Dian Nusantara (Undira) berkolaborasi dalam kegiatan pengabian pada masyarakat.

The Defense Economic Study Program of the Defense Faculty of Defense Management (FMP) of the University of the Republic of Indonesia held a community service activity which was carried out with Dian Nusantara University Jakarta with the theme Implementation of State Defense in Preparing to Build Indonesia.

The activity, which was originally planned by the Defense Economy student for economic students, management and Undira accounting at the Cibubur campus, turned out to have received a positive response from the Chancellor of Dian Nusantara University, Prof. Dr. Suharyadi, MS. and the head of the Undira Pusat campus located in Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta, so that its implementation became a joint activity for the two campuses involving all Undira students both on the Cibubur campus and university center campus which has the motto "Light Your Future".

This shows a strong commitment from the Chancellor and Undira leaders to illuminate the future of their students, including with the provision of State Defense.

This Community Service activity was carried out in the campus hall of Dian Nusantara attended by the Chancellor of Dian Nusantara University represented by Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs, Ir. Margono Sugeng, M. Sc.; Deputy Chancellor II for Finance, Dwi Sapto Febriantaka, MBa; Deputy Chancellor III Non-Academic, Ir. Hasanuddin Thoyieb, MM.

Meanwhile, from the Defense University of the Republic of Indonesia was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Defense Management, Major General TNI Agus Winarna, SIP, MS,M.Tr(Han); Deputy Dean for Finance and General Affairs of the Faculty of Defense Management, Brigadier General TNI Dr. Sri Sundari, S.E., MM.CiQar; Head of Defense Economy, Marine Colonel (E) Dr. Ir. Lukman Yudho Prakoso, SIP., MAP., CIQaR., M.Tr. Opsla., IPU., ASEAN Eng.; Head of Energy Resilience, Dr. Sri Murtiana; as well as lecturers from the Defense University.

This activity is one of the activities of the Tridarma of universities, namely community service. The purpose of this PKM activity is to increase the spirit of defending the country in all fields that are occupied to build Indonesia gold 2045.

In his remarks, Deputy Chancellor III of Dian Nusantara University expressed his gratitude and gratitude for the honor of the arrival of the Dean, Lecturer and Defense Economic Students of the Indonesian Defense University in the context of extraordinary PKM.

"Through this activity, it is hoped that it can strategically improve relations between the two institutions with other collaborations and collaborations," said Deputy Chancellor III of Dian Nusantara University, Ir. Hasanuddin Thoyieb.

Through this activity, he continued, it is hoped that not only will it increase the value of intellectuality but also can build awareness for the progress of the nation in facing future challenges in developing Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Defense Management Faculty of the Indonesian Defense University, Maj. Gen. Agus Winarna, S.IP., MS.Tr. (Han) in his speech hopes that through the Indonesian Defense University this teaching can provide useful lessons for both students of Dian Nusantara University and students of the Defense Economic Study of the Indonesian Defense University.

At this University of the Republic of Indonesia Teaching activity, postgraduate students of the Defense Economic Study Program of the FMP Defense University RI conveyed material about the importance of understanding and implementing the role of youth and defending the country in daily life to students of Dian Nusantara University.

Students of the S-2 Defense Economic Study also invite and encourage their fellow S-1 students of Dian Nusantara University to always increase creativity and motivation to learn to realize Indonesia Gold 2045.

On this occasion, discussions and questions were also held with all students and ended with the closure and submission of souvenirs and photos together with Deputy Chancellor I, II, II Dian Nusantara University, Dean of FMP Defense University RI, Deputy Dean of FMP Defense University RI and all Universitas students. University of Dian Nusantara.

Acting as chairman of the Defense Economic Student PKM activity committee was Colonel CZI Cosmas Manukallo Danga, SE who conveyed his award to approximately 200 Undira S-1 students for their presence in the activity.

"They participated in the entire series of activities with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, to then be determined to develop themselves and implement the form of defending the country for the future of Indonesia," said Colonel CZI Cosmas Manukallo Danga, SE.

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