
JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said the Islamic Boarding School independence program was a priority agenda of the Ministry of Religion, in order to realize strong resources in accordance with Law Number 18 of 2019 concerning Islamic Boarding Schools.

"However, pesantren does not only need to be given laws, but also how so that the law is executed and can be useful for pesantren," said the Minister of Religion as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 19.

The Minister of Religion's statement was delivered when opening technical guidance for the Wave III Islamic Boarding School Independence program in Bekasi, West Java. A total of 262 representatives of Islamic boarding schools receiving 2023 business incubation assistance attended the activity.

Yaqut said strengthening the economy is very important to do in Islamic boarding schools. The reason is, pesantren are faced with the challenges of sustainable economic management in order to revive the existing ecosystem.

"Conditions like this must get serious attention. I as the Minister of Religion feel obliged to appoint, if not the dignity of the pesantren economy, at least ease the burden," said Yaqut.

Nevertheless, the Minister of Religion still asked for the broadness of the hearts of prospective recipients if the assistance provided was not considered too large. According to him, this assistance was given not only about the amount, but as a form of the Ministry of Religion's attention to Islamic boarding schools.

"Over time, if the program we are pushing for is successful, then we are sure that the government will continue to increase the budget for Islamic boarding schools," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Education for Diniyah and Islamic Boarding Schools, Waryono Abdul Ghofur, said that the Bimtek for Islamic Boarding School Business Incubation Assistance would be held in five waves, with a total of 1,500 prospective recipients of Islamic boarding schools throughout Indonesia.

"This activity is the right momentum to establish synergies in terms of the economy and increase business capacity and mindsetreperenurship in Islamic boarding schools," said Waryono.

He also ensured that this assistance would be distributed by the Ministry of Religion without any deductions.

"So if someone feels he waslah (intermediary) and is instrumental in the pesantren invited tonight, then asks for a percentage (refund), then immediately refuse ba'in, meaning not to beladeni," he said.

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