
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that the odd assets belonging to the former Head of the East Jakarta National Land Agency (BPN), Sudarman Harjasaputra, were being investigated. The search for criminal elements is being carried out.

"The investigation is looking for a criminal incident," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Wednesday, April 3.

After the criminal element and the suspect are found, an investigation will be carried out. Ali gave an example that this kind of effort had been made when investigating the wealth of former Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance Rafael Alun Trisambodo.

Ali said that Rafael Alun's wealth at that time was investigated by the KPK after his profile did not match his position. From this effort, the alleged former subordinate of the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani received gratuities.

However, Ali could not detail the ongoing investigation process. "Because we are still asking for information, we cannot convey the collection of information to the parties," he said.

"But we make sure that the commitment to complete every process that also attracts the attention of the public is the hope of the community on how the alleged state administrators are hedon and others so that it can be resolved further by the KPK," Ali continued.

Previously, the KPK had clarified Sudarman's assets on March 21. His wealth was checked after his wife was caught showing off his luxurious lifestyle on social media.

In his wealth report, Sudarman recorded assets of IDR 14.7 billion in the 2021 period. This amount shrank from IDR 15.28 billion because Sudarman had a debt of IDR 520 million.

It was noted that he had assets in the form of land and buildings with a value of Rp. 13,997,511,000 spread across the cities of South Jakarta, Ciamis, Malang, Bogor, South Tangerang, and Garut.

The assets in the form of land and land and buildings in Ciamis and South Tangerang were recorded by Sudarman as the result of a grant without a deed. While other assets are the result itself.

In the LHKPN, Sudarman also recorded ownership of two vehicles in the form of Piagio Vespa Primavera in 2014 and Mazda CX5 in 2017. Both of these assets were registered with a value of Rp438 million.

In that way, the subordinate of the Minister of ATR/BPN Hadi Tjahjanto recorded ownership of other movable assets worth Rp600 million and cash and cash equivalents worth Rp249,526,598.

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