
The defendant Ricky Rizal Wibowo has officially filed an appeal against the decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT) in the alleged murder case against Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

The DKI Jakarta High Court (PT) was originally scheduled to confirm the decision of the first court to sentence Ricky Rizal to 13 years in prison.

"On Tuesday, May 2, 2023, a legal advisor to one of the defendants in the premeditated murder of the late Brigadier Joshua, Ricky Rizal, filed an appeal against the appeal decision of PT DKI Jakarta," said the Public Relations Officer of the South Jakarta District Court, Djuyamto in his statement, Wednesday, May 3.

With this submission, only Ricky Rizal filed an appeal. Meanwhile, Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi, and Strong Ma'ruf have not done it.

The process of submitting the appeal was carried out by Ricky Rizal's camp through the image of the South Jakarta District Court.

"The appeal was declared directly at the South Jakarta District Court," said Djuyamto.

For information, the panel of judges at the DKI Jakarta High Court upheld the defendant's first-degree court decision.

Ferdy Sambo was still sentenced to death. Meanwhile, Putri Candrawati was still sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Meanwhile, Strong Ma'ruf with a sentence of 15 years in prison and Ricky was still sentenced to 13 years in prison.

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