
JAKARTA - Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari admitted that he never gave Anita Kolopaking a penny as a success fee to process a review (PK) for the convicted cessie Bank Bali Joko Tjandra.

"Since I met Mrs. Anita, I never gave even 1 cent to Mrs. Anita, I never gave 50,000 US dollars to Mrs. Anita at the apartment because after returning from Kuala Lumpur, I stayed overnight in Sentul, at my father's house who was sick. so I never met Mrs. Anita and I don't know who Mrs. Anita met, "said Pinangki in a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 11.

Pinangki conveyed this in response to the testimony of witness Wyasa Santosa Kolopaking, who is the husband of lawyer Anita Kolopaking.

In his testimony, Anita Kolopaking's husband confirmed that his wife received US $ 50 thousand as a success fee.

The money that Pinangki gave to Anita Kolopaking was US $ 500,000 from Joko Tjandra which was given through Andi Irfan Jaya.

"Mrs. Anita never asked for a fee of 50,000 US dollars," said Pinangki.

In the hearing, Wyasa admitted that the success fee agreement of US $ 200,000 was contained in the offering letter which was agreed upon on November 19, 2019, when Anita met Djoko Tjandra in Kuala Lumpur.

"Initially we asked to pay 200,000 US dollars when we signed the offering letter. However, after negotiating with Pak Djoko, we only paid 50 percent first. We can only scan the letter, the original is still in Malaysia, this is only a photocopy and there is already a signature. Djoko Tjandra on the seal, "said Wyasa.

Due to the lack of payment, Wyasa admitted that his wife had asked Djoko Tjandra for the rest.

"We received the money, then Anita complained to Djoko Tjandra, how come, it was not in accordance with the agreement. However, I do not know the communication between Anita and Djoko Tjandra. However, because this problem was blown up on social media, so we too can't collect, "said Wyasa.

Wyasa, who is in charge of administration at the Kolopaking and Partner Law Office, admitted that his office had started working on Djoko Tjandra's application for a review (PK) after receiving the US $ 50,000.

"We have made a draft PK until March 2020. However, everything goes back and forth until the client (Djoko Tjandra) agrees," said Wyasa.

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