
JAKARTA - Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg quipped US President Donald Trump's tweet about the vote count. Greta told Trump to relax. The tweet attracted attention because Trump had once teased Greta with the same sentence.

It took about a year for Greta to get back at Trump. In December 2019, Trump quipped Greta in a tweet.

At that time Greta was named Person of the year 2019 by Time magazine. Trump alluded to this by saying:

Very ridiculous. Greta has to deal with her anger control issues, then watch a good old movie with a friend! Relax Greta, relax! "

Donald Trump's Tweet 2019 (Twitter)

Unlike many other people in the world, Trump is indeed antipathy to Greta's actions, who often speak out demanding that governments in various countries of the world take a stand in efforts to stop global warming.

At that time, Greta responded to Trump's comments by adding a note to his profile on Twitter by writing: A teenager who is dealing with his anger control issues. Currently relaxing and watching a good old movie with a friend.

The opportunity for revenge came. Late Thursday, November 5, Greta responded to Trump's tweet about the 2020 US election vote-counting scandal. Greta offended Trump using a sentence Trump told him last year.

"That's ridiculous. Donald has to deal with his anger control problem, then watch a good old movie with a friend! Relax Donald, relax!"

Greta's tweet refers to Trump's tweet which reads: STOP VOTING COUNTING!

Greta Thunberg tweets (Twitter)

To date, Greta's reply has been tweeted back 266,000 times and has been liked by 1.3 million accounts.

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