
JAKARTA - The conditions at which students and workers protest against the Job Creation Law in the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta, have been conducive. This was after the masses dispersed.

According to VOI, at around 18.05 WIB, traffic at the Horse Statue roundabout was opened to motorized vehicles. Some of the demonstration masses, both from the student, workers, and youth groups without identity, have disbanded.

In every corner of the Horse Statue area, TNI and police officers are still monitoring the situation. Public Facilities and Infrastructure Handling Workers (PPSU) began sweeping the road around the Horse Statue.

Today's action starts at 13.00 WIB. A number of elements of society consisting of BEM SI and a combination of other students, as well as a number of labor organizations held a demonstration.

Some of the masses were already at the Horse Statue. Some of them are on Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan. The mass of BEM SI was around 400 people, the Joint Workers' Movement was about 1,750 people, and the Indonesian Buru Union Movement was around 30 people.

Participants in the action demanded President Joko Widodo to issue a government regulation in lieu of a law (perppu) to cancel the Omnibus Law.

Unfortunately, President Joko Widodo is currently not at the State Palace in Jakarta. Jokowi is currently at the Bogor Palace.

Jokowi this morning was scheduled to hold a limited meeting on the development of preparations for the 2021 U-20 World Cup online. In addition, he is also scheduled to have a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide.

The masses finally decided to return to demonstrations in the future. When a number of protesters dispersed at around 5:00 p.m., an unidentified mass of youths appeared who approached the location of the action.

The youth crowd threw stones and plastic bottles. In fact, they also threw firecrackers at the police on guard. Until finally, the TNI apparatus persuasively appealed to them to return home.

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