
JAKARTA - The DPRD has been busy criticizing the 0 rupiah DP housing program which was the promise of Anies Baswedan's campaign. This was conveyed when Anies entered his three years as the Governor of DKI Jakarta on 16 October.

The DPRD considers that the progress of the development of the Community House Solution (Samawa) program is not on target and there are few enthusiasts. However, this was denied by Anies's subordinates, namely the Managing Director of PD Sarana Jaya, Yoory C. Pinontoan.

"During the COVID-19 pandemic, residential interest for DP 0 rupiah was actually very high. The registrant data was large, registering up to 21 thousand," Yoory told reporters, Tuesday, October 20.

Yoory said, PD Sarana Jaya is currently constructing houses for DP 0 rupiah in four locations. He emphasized that development has not stopped even in the state of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The construction of the DP 0 rupiah figure does not stop. There are 3 development locations in the East Jakarta area, including Pondok Kelapa, Cilangkap and Pulogebang. One construction site is in West Jakarta," he said.

Yoory explained, the progress of the construction of the DP 0 Rupiah House in Pondok Kelapa reached around 57 percent and is targeted to be completed by the end of 2020.

Then, the construction in Cilangkap is targeted at the end of the year to have reached 15 percent of physical development. Meanwhile, the construction of houses for DP 0 rupiah in Pulogebang and West Jakarta will only begin construction in 2021.

"On average, there are around 800 units built per location, while in West Jakarta about 500 units," said Yoory.

However, he acknowledged that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction of the 0 rupiah DP house was slightly delayed. Therefore, Yoory began looking for private parties to work with in providing shelter in the Samawa program. "This should be able to attract private parties to participate in this DP 0 program," he added.

Separately, the Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Public Housing and Settlements (PRKP) Office, Sarjoko also said that the number of applicants for DP 0 houses is quite high. However, many applicants do not pass the verification.

"The total number of applicants at the Samawa Pondok Kelapa location is 23,939. Those who do not pass the verification are 13,666 enthusiasts, the rest are still in process. Currently, 457 or 58.6 percent of the units have been sold," said Sarjoko.

As is known, the Chairman of the PSI DPRD DKI Faction Idris Ahmad said, during his three years serving as head of the capital city, Anies was only able to realize the 0 rupiah DP housing program of 0.26 percent.

"When he took office, Governor Anies targeted to provide 300,000 houses for 5 years. However, 3 years later, only 780 houses were available or only 0.26 percent of the target," said Idris, Friday, October 16.

"PSI questioned whether Governor Anies really had the will to run the 0 Rupiah DP program?" his smallpox.

Apart from that, a member of the NasDem faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Jupiter, said that a program called the Citizens' House Solution (Samawa) turned out to be incapable of being the solution residents really needed.

"Data from BPS in 2017, there are still 5 million DKI residents who do not have houses. In fact, until now there are still many who do not have houses. The DP 0 rupiah housing program is still not successful, in my opinion," explained Jupiter.

"Then, the DKI Housing Agency as the one that runs this program, how come it looks like it's taking it easy. It's been three years, I don't feel it," he continued.

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