
SURABAYA - Two candidates for mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi and Machfud Arifin have collided with strategies for economic recovery in the city of Surabaya.

Both conveyed the economic recovery program in the forum 'Connect Sense with Candidates for Surabaya Leaders' held by the Surabaya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin).

"The public wants regional head candidates who understand the economic recovery strategy more effectively, so that the local economy can be moved faster as possible," said Chairman of the Surabaya Kadin, M. Ali Affandi, Wednesday, October 14 evening.

Andi said, the Surabaya Chamber of Commerce and Industry as part of the economic stakeholders in the City of Heroes, of course wants to get a comprehensive concept from the candidates to improve the economy of Surabaya City.

"Kadin Surabaya, which consists of entrepreneurs, has an interest in finding out the strategies of each candidate for mayor and deputy mayor candidate in restoring the economy. For that reason, we invite Pak Eri, Pak Armudji, Pak Machfud, and Pak Mujiaman," he said.

In the forum, Eri Cahyadi conveyed his vision to realize a world-class business ecosystem in Surabaya.

"A world-class business environment, that is what we will create for Surabaya in the future. Of course it will only be realized with the support of Kadin," said Eri.

However, this concept according to Eri Cahyadi requires human resources. Therefore, HR development has become a priority program.

"How can no Surabaya people be unemployed. So when a business comes in, the employees must be 40 percent of Surabaya residents. For we have prepared free certification both technical and non-technical so that residents can be optimally absorbed into the job market because they are equipped with competence," he said. .

Eri admitted that he has prepared various programs to accelerate economic recovery. Among them is the empowerment of MSMEs with a target of bringing 30,000 Surabaya UMKMs to upgrade.

"One or two years I want Surabaya to leap beyond the era of Mrs. Risma, and that requires collaboration with Kadin," said Eri.

Meanwhile, candidate for mayor Machfud Arifin said that Surabaya's economic target must continue to grow. There is a lot of homework to be done, including the revitalization of a number of major trading centers in the City of Heroes.

"Together, we will further advance the city of Surabaya in the future. Building this city cannot be done alone. Collaboration with Kadin is an important thing," Machfud said.

Machfud hopes that the Surabaya Chamber of Commerce and Industry and various parties can jointly build Surabaya to be more advanced. This will have an impact on improving the community's economy.

"Surabaya City Government must partner with Kadin. But Surabaya City Government is not part of Kadin. We are partners," he said.

Machfud emphasized that the city of Surabaya has been good in the leadership period of the Mayor of Tri Rismaharini (Risma). However, the community still feels the need for a better change, and makes the people of Surabaya not as little people or little people.

"But how can Surabaya residents become big people, have good purchasing power. Don't be small people and always be pitied. Assistance for low-income people (MBR) is difficult. RT was told to fill out an application, but the assistance did not come. pounded on the residents. It's sad, "he said.

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