
JAKARTA - The Regional Regulation Establishment Agency (Bapemperda) DPRD DKI is still discussing the preparation of a draft regional regulation (raperda) on handling COVID-19 in Jakarta.

Bapemperda member Judistira Hermawan said that one of the discourses that would be regulated was a fine for the people of DKI who refused to be asked to carry out a test of Rp. 5 million, both a rapid test and a swab test.

"There are several things that we have arranged, for example people who avoid or refuse to carry out both rapid and PCR examinations are subject to a sanction of Rp. 5 million. This is to enable the public to comply with the regulations in DKI Jakarta," said Judistira when contacted, Wednesday, 14 October.

In addition, there are also fines for residents who insist on taking the bodies of relatives who have been declared proable or confirmed positive for COVID-19. The penalty charged was IDR 5 million.

"Then if the threat of taking his body is taken away, it is Rp. 7.5 million," said the member of the Golkar Party faction at the DKI DPRD.

The Raperda COVID-19 also regulates the affirmation of the authority of officers on duty in the field in enforcing provisions regarding health protocols for the public, both individuals and businesses.

"Fines and penalties have also been included in the articles in this draft regional regulation. The total articles in this draft regional regulation, if I'm not mistaken, are 26 articles," said Judistira.

Until now, in discussing the draft regional regulation on COVID-19 for DKI, Bapemperda is still harmonizing and receiving input from party factions in DKI.

After that, the DKI Provincial Government will submit the draft regional regulation to the Ministry of Home Affairs for consultation. "I think this is an emergency situation, the Ministry of Home Affairs will also work quickly to evaluate it this week," said Judistira.

The next stage is the plenary meeting of the endorsement of regional regulations by the DKI Provincial Government and DPRD. This plenary meeting is scheduled to take place next week.

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