
JAKARTA - The convict of the Bank Bali "cessie" case, Joko Soegiarto Tjandra, was charged with falsifying travel documents, COVID-19 examination certificates and health recommendation letters to enter Indonesia.

"The defendant Joko Soegiarto Tjandra together with Anita Dewi Kolopaking and Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo made fake or falsified letters," said the prosecutor while reading out Joko Tjandra's indictment at the East Jakarta District Court, reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 13.

Joko Tjandra as the convict based on the Supreme Court's Judicial Review (PK) decision on June 11, 2009 was sentenced to 2 years in prison, but Joko Tjandra escaped so that since June 17, 2009 he was assigned a fugitive status and entered the People Wanted List (DPO) of the Directorate General of Immigration and the Interpol list. Red Notice.

Joko Tjandra then met Anita Dewi Kolopaking in November 2019 in Kuala Lumpur. At the meeting Anita was willing to become Joko Tjandra's attorney to take legal action against the PK decision.

However, the registration of Anita's PK was rejected by the South Jakarta District Court because the Supreme Court required the applicant to be present in person to register his application.

Joko Tjandra also asked Anita to arrange for his arrival to Jakarta, namely through Pontianak Supadio Airport. Anita then contacted Tommy Sumardi, who was also trusted by Joko to take care of his arrival.

Tommy also knows the former Head of the Coordinating and Supervision Bureau (Kakorwas) for Civil Service Investigators (PPNS) of the National Police Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo. Tommy, Anita and Prasetyo then met on April 29, 2020 at Prasetyo's office to discuss Joko Tjandra's legal issues.

"This makes the conviction that the defendant Joko Soegiarto Tjandra will be facilitated in dealing with problems both in terms of renting the Mulia building with the OJK and legal opposition to the PK which made him a convict," the prosecutor added.

Anita then asked Prasetyo to have a police officer in Pontianak who could accompany Joko Tjandra to find a hospital to get a COVID-19 free rapid test letter and a health certificate.

"The witness Brigadier General Pol Prasetyo Utomo said 'we have already issued the travel documents and rapid test for you', what is meant by 'father' is the defendant Joko Soegiarto Tjandra," said the prosecutor.

Prasetyo then asked for Joko Tjandra's ID card. Prasetyo then asked the Head of TU Ro Korwas PPNS Bareskrim Polri Dodi Jaya to make a travel letter to Pontianak for mining business purposes, but in that road letter Prasetyo ordered that the need to be changed to monitoring the pandemic in Pontianak and its surrounding areas.

Prasetyo also ordered Dodi to revise the travel letter by crossing the letterhead "National Police Headquarters Bareskrim" to become "Bareskrim Polri, Korwas PPNS Bureau" and the official who signed previously "Head of Bareskrim Polri" Komjen Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo crossed out and changed the name "Brigadier General Pol Prasetyo Utomo "and the copy is crossed out.

The letter was issued on June 3, 2020. Prasetyo also made a travel letter with a similar format for the identity of Anita Dewi Kolopaking.

Prasetyo then ordered Sri Rejeki Ivana Yuliawati to make a COVID-19 examination certificate signed by Dr. Hambek Tanuhita for Prasetyo Utomo (member of the National Police), Jhony Andrijanto (member of the National Police), Anita Dewi A Kolopaking (consultant) and Joko Soegiarto (Consultant) in full. having its address at Jalan Trunojoko No. 3 Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

The letters were submitted by Prasetyo to Anita on June 4, 2020, which Anita sent via WhatsApp to Joko Tjandra.

However, when managing to PT Transwisata Prima Aviation, whose plane was rented by Joko Tjandra, it turned out that there was a lack of information, namely height, weight, blood pressure and blood type so that Anita returned to see Prasetyo on June 5, 2020, so a new health recommendation letter was still signed. Dr. Hambek Tanuhita for these four people.

Anita, Prasetyo Utomo and Jhony Andrijanto then left for Supadio Pontianak airport using the King Air 350i aircraft belonging to PT Transwisata Prima Aviation to pick up Joko Tjandra on June 6, 2020.

The four of them then immediately returned to Jakarta and went to Hotel Mulia and then Joko Tjandra returned to his house in Simpruk, South Jakarta.

On June 8, 2020, Anita then picked up Joko Tjandra to go to the Grogol Selatan sub-district office to record an e-KTP in Joko Tjandra's name and then went to the South Jakarta District Court to register the PK.

Still on the same day, Anita, Prasetyo and Jhony escorted Joko Tjandra back to Pontianak using the same charter plane, after which Anita, Prasetyo and Jhony immediately returned to Jakarta.

On June 16, 2020, Joko contacted Anita and said that he would come to Jakarta to make a passport so that Anita again asked Prasetyo to take care of the necessary documents, namely, travel documents, health recommendation letters, and COVID-19 examination letters.

On June 20, 2020, Joko Tjandra departed from Pontianak to Jakarta using a Lion Air plane and the check-in process was assisted by members of the Jumardi Police.

Furthermore, on June 22, 2020, Anita submitted all original documents for passport making and after the passport was completed, Joko returned to Malaysia via Pontianak.

"That the improper use of travel documents, COVID-19 examination certificates and health recommendation letters is immaterialally detrimental to the National Police because it injures and deflects the good name of the National Police in general and the National Police Corps Corps Bureau, Bareskrim Polri and Pusdokkes Polri in particular considering that the defendant Joko Soegiarto Tjandra is convicted of corruption and a fugitive since 2009, "said the prosecutor.

Joko Tjandra's actions were punishable by Article 263 paragraph (1) or Article 263 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

The article reads "Anyone who makes a fake document or falsifies a document which can give rise to a right, an engagement or a debt exemption, or which is intended as evidence of something with the intention of using or ordering someone else to use the letter as if the contents are true and not falsified. , he will be threatened if such use may cause harm due to falsification of documents, with a maximum imprisonment of 6 years. "

Regarding this case, the former Head of the Coordination and Supervision Bureau (Karo Korwas) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo and Anita Dewi Kolopaking also underwent separate trial to read charges at the East Jakarta District Court.

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