
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya reveals how the abortion clinic in Raden Saleh, Cikini, Central Jakarta works to 'remove' thousands of fetuses. Get ready, those who read will be angry with the heinous acts of abortion perpetrators who have now 'just' caught 17 suspects.

Director of the General Criminal Investigation (Dirkrimum) of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat, explained that Raden Saleh's abortion clinic process works to remove the fetuses.

For information, the Raden Saleh abortion clinic has been operating for five years. This police action is arguably too late. From the results of searches, patient data can only be obtained from January 2019 to April 10, 2020. This data refers to the testimony of witnesses and suspects as well as evidence of the number of patients. From that medium alone, there were 2,638 abortion patients with an estimated daily estimate of five to seven people who had abortions.

Tubagus explained, there were patients who had abortions at a young age. Some are still weeks old so the fetus is still only in the form of a blood clot. But some are already in the form of a baby fetus.

Then how does the Raden Saleh abortion clinic destroy the fetus, which is now evidence. Given the data above, there are thousands of fetuses based on more than one year of operation.

"So what is done is, after the abortion is carried out, the fetus is placed in a bucket. Then it is destroyed by giving a solution," said Tubagus during a press conference at the Jakarta Police Headquarters, Tuesday, August 18. During the press conference, the suspects were also present at the back.

"Then the fetus is given a solution then it dissolves (fetus). Then it is removed through the toilet," continued Tubagus.

"That is a process so that until now we have not found the grave of the fetus, because of the process of removing evidence thus," he continued.

During the search, the police "only" managed to confiscate the records of the patients and several patients had already been examined. 17 people have been named as suspects. They were charged with layered articles. The facts revealed in this case are sad. The main actors are professional medical personnel. Starting from three doctors, one midwife and two nurses.

Supporting actors who ensure that this practice remains silent yet ongoing, have also been snared by the police. There are four managers in charge of negotiating, receiving and distributing money. Including a team to pick up patients, fetal cleaning officers and officers buying drugs.

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