
JAKARTA – A number of vegetables can be stored for a month. It's even more fun to stay fresh and not reduce the nutritional content. So to store and choose vegetables need to be considered properly.

First, store the vegetables at a lower temperature. A low-temperature place, such as a refrigerator, can allow vegetables to be stored longer. But not every vegetable can be stored in the refrigerator.

Second, avoid storing vegetables at extreme temperature changes. So it is not recommended to store fresh food, fruit and vegetables, frozen in the freezer.

Third, choose the best quality vegetables when buying them. For example, choose the freshest, not scratched or bumped, and still in good condition. Better yet, buy directly after harvest.

Well, from the three steps above, the following types of vegetables can be stored for a month or even more.

1. Green vegetables

Types of green vegetables such as spinach, kale, mustard greens, pok choy, lettuce, and broccoli can be stored properly and stay fresh for a long time. The trick, wash first until clean. Cut the roots, especially in spinach, kale, lettuce.

After being washed and separated or cut into pieces all, drain for a while. Then store in a box or jar. Put a layer of tissue or newsprint on the bottom and it is ready to be stored in the vegetable tray.

2. Onion and celery

Basically, how to store it the same as green vegetables. To keep them crispy and fresh, wrap the leeks and celery in a layer of paper or tissue and then keep them in storage boxes or jars. Then finally, store it in the refrigerator section of the vegetables tray.

3. Tomato

To store tomatoes, if stored in cold temperatures such as in the refrigerator, it will make them mushy easily. Unless it has been cut, then store it in a paper bag and place it in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes can be stored at room temperature wrapped in paper and protected from sun exposure.

4. Garlic, Onion, Onion

Just like tomatoes, these three types of onions don't need to be refrigerated. Simply store in a mesh bag with good air circulation. Check periodically, if there is rotten immediately separate and clean. Well, to store onions, you don't need to wash them first.

menyimpan sayur sayuran
Fresh chili illustration (Pexels/Nick Collins)
5. Chili

Both cayenne pepper, big red, and curly chili can be stored in the refrigerator. The trick, wash first and drain to dry. Then store in a Tupperware jar or box that has been lined with tissue or newsprint.

Finally, put a clove of garlic that has been peeled. The goal is that the antibacterial properties of garlic can reduce chili rot.

6. Carrots

Carrots are the toughest vegetables when stored properly. This nutritious vegetable can be stored for months.

How to store it, wash thoroughly and drain. Store in a jar filled with water. Or store in dry conditions, namely in jars lined with paper or tissue.

7. Cabbage and cauliflower

Without the need to wash, cabbage and cauliflower can be stored in plastic jars lined with tissue or paper. So that it doesn't wrinkle or rot easily, make sure it can circulate air and periodically replace the layer.

Interested in storing vegetables in the ways above? In addition to keeping it fresh until it is processed into nutritious delicious food, proper storage methods can also reduce household waste, you know.

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