
JAKARTA - Although there is no announcement to have a big competition to buy animals to be sacrificed, the appearance of photos of the artist's sacrificial animals is interesting to compare at this Eid moment. There are sacrificial animals belonging to Raffi Ahmad, Atta Halintar, Ria Ricis, Irfan Hakim and Rizki Billar and Lesti Kejora. Which is the largest sacrificial animal among the sacrificial animals belonging to the artists who sacrificed this year?

The artists who had the opportunity to perform the sacrificial service this time were very happy. After buying the sacrificial animal they chose, the average jumbo size cow, they posed with the animal to be sacrificed. Smiles and happy hues appear from them. Some even sat on the back of the cow.

Let's take a look at the artists posing on their respective cows.

Raffi Ahmad

Famous presenter Raffi Ahmad is not the first time to distribute sacrificial animals every Eid al-Adha celebration. This year, Nagita Slavina's husband prepared 10 cows and 10 goats to be distributed to people in need. Raffi was also recorded as buying sacrificial animals as well as the mascot of Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region at a price of hundreds of millions of rupiah, as reported by ERA.CO.ID.

Raffi Ahmad (Foto: IG @raffinagita1717)
Raffi Ahmad poses with his cow. (Photo: IG @raffinagita1717)
Irfan Hakim

Dangdut presenter, Irfan Hakim is also included in the ranks of artists who this year make sacrifices. The weight of Irfan Hakim's sacrificial cow, named Grandong, is black and even reaches more than 1 ton.

Irfan Hakim dengan girangnya duduk di punggung sapi kurban yang sudah dia beli. (Instagram/irfanhakim75)
Irfan Hakim happily sat on the back of the sacrificial cow he had bought. (Instagram/irfanhakim75)
Ria Ricis

YouTuber Ria Ricis also sacrificed this year by choosing a blackish gray cow. Through his YouTube channel, Ricis shared the moment he bought a cow which was estimated to be worth tens of millions.

Tetapa anggun meski Ria Ricis duduk di atas sapi yang akan ia kurbankan. (Instagram/riaricis1795)
Still elegant even though Ria Ricis is sitting on the cow she is about to sacrifice. (Instagram/riaricis1795)
Rizky Billar and Lesti Kejora

Lesti Kejora's future husband, Rizky Billar, also chose to sacrifice this year together with Lesti. Their sacrificial animal was named with Leslar which means Lesti-Billar. Reportedly Billar and Lesti plan to give 500 qurban packages to people in need.

Rizky Billar dan Lesti Kejora disamping hewan kurbannya (Instagram/rizkybillar)
Rizky Billar and Lesti Kejora beside the sacrificial animals (Instagram/rizkybillar)
Atta Lightning

This year's Eid is the first moment for Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah to distribute sacrifices with the status of husband and wife. It is known that Atta had wanted to bid for Irfah Hakim's sacrificial animal, but unfortunately Irfan did not allow this. The YouTuber finally chose a cow with almost the same weight as Irfan Hakim's Grandong.

Sambil jongkok Atta Halilintar dan  Aurel Hermansyah melihat sapi kurbannya. (Instagram/attahalilintar)
While squatting, Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah saw the sacrificial cow. (Instagram/attahalilintar)

Have you seen how big the sacrificial animals bought by famous Indonesian artists for Eid this year? But out of all those cows, whose cow is the biggest and the heaviest? Do you have Raffi Ahmad, Atta Halintar, Ria Ricis, Irfan Hakim or do you have Rizki Billar and Lesti Kejora?

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