
JAKARTA - The celebration of Eid al-Adha or often called the Feast of Sacrifice leaves a lot of meat for some people. Like it or not, the meat must then be stored, so that it can be cooked again the next day, next week, or next month. That is if it is still durable and still fresh. Then, how to store meat so that it remains durable and long-lasting?

Not many know that the habit of washing meat before storing it is the wrong way and makes the meat rot quickly. It's better if the meat is not washed before putting it in the refrigerator, then the freezer.

Summarized from the Herworld page, Tuesday, July 20, here are some effective ways to store meat to make it last longer and last longer.

Don't wash it

The habit of washing meat or not before storing it is often a debate. However, this method should be stopped. Because, if you wash it with tap water, the germs will enter the pores, and the meat will rot quickly. It's better to wash the meat when it's cooked.

Cut into small pieces

If you get qurban meat rations up to 2-4 kilograms, it's better not to just put it in the freezer. However, cut it into small pieces, put in a plastic size of 1/2 or 1 kilogram. When going to cook then take 1 bag. The rest let it freeze in the freezer. In this way, the meat can last up to one year.

Put it in the freezer

Before placing in the freezer, first drop the meat in the refrigerator to cool for 4-5 hours. After it cools down, put the meat in the freezer.

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- https://voi.id/lifestyle/68258/5-olahan-daging-sapi-untuk-disajikan-saat-iduladha

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Pay attention to the freezer temperature

When storing meat in the freezer, it's a good idea to pay attention to the temperature so it's not too low, because it can kill bacteria in the meat. We recommend setting the freezer temperature at minus 18 degrees Celsius. This way, the meat can be kept for up to three months, as long as you don't open the freezer lid too often because the spike in temperature rises can provide an opportunity for bacteria to breed.

Clear plastic or tupperware

Prepare clear plastic or tupperware to store the meat in the refrigerator.

Separate the meat

When they get a ration of sacrificial meat, usually the public will put it in the refrigerator without looking at the contents first. In fact, it would be better if you separate the types of meat, such as beef and goat, into two separate bags. This is important so that the odors and bacteria of the different meats are transferred to each other.

Separate the innards

Not only separate which one is beef and mutton, but also separate the meat from offal. Because, it is said offal contains more bacteria than meat.

Separate liver and kidney

Meat should also be separated from the liver and kidneys. For storage of both, it's good to be sliced, and packaged. The liver usually tends to be wet and bleed which makes the meat soggy and spoils quickly. Meanwhile, the kidneys sometimes smell.

Give sign

There is nothing wrong with marking or code and storage date. This is important to avoid mixing the meat with new meat or simply reminding the storage date.

Thawing frozen meat daging

When you want to cook frozen meat, it's a good idea not to thaw frozen meat with hot water. Place the frozen meat (still in the plastic) under normal temperature tap water. If the meat is tender again, then wash, drain and ready to cook.

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