
JAKARTA - The famous actor Anwar Fuady (74) is undergoing trials. The beloved wife of Hj. Farida Kosim was exposed to COVID-19. Which is very sad even though he has entered the emergency room of a hospital. But have not yet got a room for treatment. He hoped his wife would move from the ER to the treatment room.

"Now my wife is still being treated in the ER. I can't move to the treatment room yet because there are no vacancies. Hopefully in a few days there will be healthy patients and can go home. So my wife can enter and move from the ER," he hoped.

According to Anwar his wife tested positive on Tuesday 13 July. The next day Anwar took his wife to the hospital. Turning here and there, finally stopped at Ciputra Hospital at Ciputra Mall, Grogol, West Jakarta. "Since I entered the ER, we are still waiting until there is an empty inpatient room. It is not possible to move to another hospital. In fact, many still have to wait in the parking lot," said the star of the soap opera Samudra Cinta about his wife's condition.

Anwar Fuady saat perayaan pernikahan emas bersama isytri tercinta. (Instagram @fuady_47)
Anwar Fuady during a golden wedding celebration with his beloved wife. (Instagram @fuady_47)

Which made him relieved after his PCR test came back negative. as well as the children at home. "Everything, thank God, the test results were negative. For my wife, the initial symptoms she experienced were increasing her body temperature, continuing to have dizziness and coughing as well," he said.

When asked where is the possibility of his wife being exposed to this virus? Anwar couldn't even guess and made accusations. "During this COVID-19 pandemic my wife doesn't go out. She only goes to the hospital twice a week for treatment needs.

Anwar could not guess where his wife was exposed and from whom. What is clear, according to him, during the pandemic his wife never left the house except twice a week for HD needs at the hospital. "Indeed, we can do a search. Frankly, if I am still shooting soap operas and traveling. If my wife is out of the house only to the hospital, other than that, not," he said.

Di ytengah pandemi Corona Anwar Fuady masih melakoni syuting sinetron. (Instagram @fuady_47).
In the midst of the Corona pandemic, Anwar Fuady is still shooting soap operas. (Instagram @fuady_47)

Regarding the alleged transmission, it could be from him. "The matter could be from me. Or someone else, he has been in contact with someone when he went to the hospital for HD twice a week. I don't want to suspect and suspect. Let's just live with all this and hopefully my wife can get a room for treatment soon ," he said.

He asked his friends, relatives and friends to help pray for his wife who was still lying in the ER. "There is nothing else that I ask for at this time. Pray that my wife can recover from COVID-19, can get a treatment room," he asked.

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