
JAKARTA - The film Ghibah is ready to be screened on Disney+ Hotstar on July 30. The film, starring Anggika Bolsterli, tells the story of FIRLY (Anggika Bolsterli) and his roommates, DINA (Zsa Zsa Utari) and ULFA (Arafah Rianti) who have a habit of talking about people.

Ghibah is like daily food for them. Even OKTA (Adila Fitri) his schoolmate was also targeted with various stories about his strangeness. In addition, YOLA (Joshepine Firmstone), a dream student on campus, is always an easy target for them to talk about.

Their boarding house keeper, UMI ASRI (Asri Welas) and MANG OPPIE (Oppie Kumis) have warned them not to gossip or even slander others. Until FIRLY realized something was wrong with him, when he became fond of eating raw meat even though he was a vegetarian. Even the smell of their bodies like carrion, because the backbiter is like eating the carcass of his own brother.

Firly's relationship with her college friends is strained. Only ARGA (Verrell Bramasta) never leaves him. They try to find a way out together. How can they restore the situation.

The Ghibah movie poster shows a picture of Anggika whose mouth is filled with maggots. "It's disgusting to see it yourself," said Anggika Bolsterli when contacted some time ago.

Anggika explained the meaning of the poster for her latest film. As the title implies, these maggots are a punishment for people who like to talk bad about other people.

"It could be that the backbiter is not aware that the impact of backbiting can be dangerous. Now, the visuals are getting clearer in this poster. People are often not aware of backbiting so they don't realize they are eating carrion," he said.

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