
JAKARTA - Senior artist Widyawati conveys the sad news that Hadi Sutoyo, Dana Christina's husband, died Wednesday night at 11 pm at Cisarua Lung Hospital, West Java due to exposure to COVID-19. The body of the deceased who had been treated there since last week, Thursday at 4 am was buried in Cisarua.

Widyawati later regretted the upload, because it turned out that Dana did not know that her husband was dead. Dana herself is also still being treated for exposure to COVID-19.

It was only realized when Ilham Bintang, a senior journalist who is a member of the WAG senior artist, tried to confirm it.

"Have you contacted your husband?" asked Ilham to Dana.

"Not yet. But from my son who took care of his father just now, he said, papa is fine," said Dana.

Ilham then reasoned that there were a lot of sad news about the death of a film artist due to exposure to COVID-19. It reminded him of Dana.

Dana has been exposed to COVID-19 for a month. Three days after her husband tested positive. A child was also exposed but is being self-isolating at home. Dana was treated at Azra Hospital, Bogor, a week ago. Her husband, Hadi Suyono, is being treated at the Cisarua Lung Hospital.

When WAG was filled with condolences from all members, information came in that Dana Christina did not know that her husband had died. Those who conveyed the information asked for all condolences to be deleted on the WAG. But, impossible. The chat had been running an hour before. Rico Tampatty immediately took the initiative to remove funds from WAG.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I have sent my condolences directly to WA Dana," said Jajang C Noer.

Dana Christina (63 years old) is a famous Indonesian feature film star in the 1980s era. The Indo-blooded actress received an Citra Award nomination in the film "Lebak Membara" in 1984. During her career she starred in dozens of national films, "Force Dare to Die", "Revenge of the Tiger Man", "The Purple Silk Fog" and "Face Three Women".

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