
JAKARTA - Queen Rizky Nabila can smile with relief. After Alfath Fathier acknowledged his son, now Nadia Christina apologized publicly for calling him open BO and having poisoned breast milk.

"Yes, I said that (Queen Rizky Nabila is pregnant from Open BO and her milk is poisonous)," said Nadia Christina on the Denny Sumargo podcast which was uploaded Tuesday, July 13.

Nadia admitted that at that time she was pregnant and in love with Alfath Fathier. Regarding the inappropriate statement, Nadia Christina admitted that she had apologized directly to Ratu Rizky Nabila. Luckily, Nabila was heartened to apologize.

"About two or three days ago I apologized to Ratu Rizky Nabila. And she was very proud to forgive me for all my words and insults to her good name," said Nadia Christina.

Through her Instagram stories, Ratu Rizky Nabila confirmed that she had reconciled with Alfath Fathier and the new wife of her ex-husband, Nadia Christina.

“Because my household and theirs happen to have become public consumption. And in your eyes, I am a person who is hurt, stupid because I forgive, and so on, I want to explain a little bit that actually Nadia and Alfath have reconciled recently," wrote the Queen, Tuesday, July 13.

"My decision to forgive is not because I want to look holy, it's just, it's not fair to the man or woman if I only forgive one person! Does that mean I'm not willing? Yesterday it was done," he added.

The queen forgave her ex-husband and his wife wanted to follow a good example. “I am not a GOOD person! But WANT TO EXAMPLE THE GOOD!” he said.

Not to forget, he was also grateful for the support he received from various parties. "My intention, my sincerity- my stupidity is only ALLAH SWT who will weigh it later. But I am grateful to netizens and figure's who gave me examples and advice. Because for STRONG and Legowo to get to this second, it's thanks to all of your prayers," concluded Ratu Rizky Nabila.

Now Ratu Rizky Nabila uploads more smiling photos on Instagram @Raturn. The words spoken when guest starring on Denny Sumargo's podcast have become a reality. "I don't want to compete with something that I've already won from the start," said Ratu.

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