JAKARTA - Happiness is still felt by Vincent Verhaag and Jessica Iskandar or Jedar, who recently had a third child of the female gender. Previously, it was known that their third daughter's delivery was not easy. Jessica Iskandar had a bleeding so she had to undergo a blood transfusion.
Seeing this, Vincent Verhaag firmly said he did not want to add more children. He asked his wife to recover first from the previous delivery.
"Not yet, you take a break first, recover first. We take a walk first, we enjoy living together," said Vincent Verhaag, quoted by VOI from Instagram @drbennyarifin, Tuesday, December 17.
Vincent's statement was supported by their gynecologist, dr. Benny Arifin, who felt that Jessica Iskandar's age was no longer possible to add children.
"Usia 36 dengan tiga anak itu sudah lebih dari cukup. Kalau nanti ada anak keempat dan melahirkan di usia 40, saat anak itu kelas 4 SD, usia Jessica sudah 52 tahun. Jaraknya terlalu jauh," jelas Dr. Benny.
Vincent added that after the birth of their daughter, he wanted to enjoy time with Jessica Iskandar and their two sons, El Barack and Don.
"Three of them are complete. We can go for a walk and enjoy life. It's the two boys at most, the cover is a girl. Done, deal," he said.
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