
JAKARTA - Emotional adjustment is a state of recognizing, understanding, and being involved in someone's emotional state. Emotional adjustments are important when you have relationships with other people, especially romantic relationships.

Many psychologists explain emotional adjustments using the analogy of babies and parents. Babies experience emotions such as hunger, sleepiness, and discomfort. But they can't express these needs because they don't have the language to do it. Parents must be emotionally aligned with their babies so they can recognize what their children need and meet their needs.

People often say that mothers and fathers can distinguish between the crying "I'm hungry" and the cry "I'm tired". This ability, and working to meet the baby's needs whether hungry or sleepy, is emotional alignment.

Likewise in a romantic relationship. If you and your partner are emotionally aligned, you will be able to recognize each other's emotions (both positive and negative) and find ways to deal with these emotions as a team. If you and your partner are not emotionally aligned, misunderstandings in interpreting emotions can occur and cause poor communication and conflict.

Emotional adjustments not only help you understand your partner and avoid conflict, but also help you improve relationships and connections with your partner. If you want to train emotional adjustments with your partner, here's a VOI tip.

When practicing aligning emotions with your partner, it's important for you to really listen to what they say before you try to talk. Instead of thinking about conversations as a way to voice your opinion, think about how you can act as a good listener for your partner.

Really focus on what your partner wants to say, rather than your response later. When it comes time to respond, you can pause the conversation to really think about your answer. Listening to your partner will help you understand how they feel. Offering full attention will also encourage them to explore feelings and be more open to you, which is an important part of emotional alignment.

When you listen to your partner, ask a question if you don't understand what they're saying. One of the most important things to be an active listener is to get involved when your partner is communicating and here in the form of asking questions that seem unclear to you.

If your partner doesn't express his feelings, it's important to ask them questions so they can get their emotions out. You're not a reader of the mind and it's important for your partner to understand it.

If you are confused by their actions, they ask them. A big part of emotional alignment is paying attention when something goes wrong with your partner and trying to understand how they feel. Asking questions for

it is understood not only will it help you understand your partner better, but will also make your partner feel cared for.

Emotional adjustments are closely related to verbal communication and non-verbal gestures. As mentioned earlier, sometimes your partner may not verbally communicate with you when they feel certain feelings, but they may communicate them to you in a non-verbal way. For that, it's important for you to know your partner's verbal and non-verbal communication.

Everyone has different non-verbal signs. Paying attention to your posture, facial expression, and energy levels can help you understand what your partner is feeling even if they don't tell you verbally.

When your partner explains his feelings for you, it is very important to use a validation statement so that he feels seen and heard. Apart from actively listening, you need to encourage your partner. Sometimes listening to them is not enough.

Often people share something because they seek verbal affirmation. Even if your partner accidentally looks for you for validation, there's nothing wrong with giving words of encouragement.

Even if you think your partner isn't handling things in the right way or even if you don't agree with it. It's important to use a statement that validates and talks about things that you don't agree with later.

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