
YOGYAKARTA Makes excessive belly fat can't be done just overnight. Need consistent and regular exercise so that you get the ideal body. In addition, you also need to avoid stress, eating unhealthy foods and lack of exercise. Well, if you want to have a slim and fit body, pay attention to the following ways of cutting fat without a diet.

How To Cut Fat Without A Diet

Summarized from various sources, Sunday, May 14, 2023, here are how to cut excess fat in tanoa's stomach and must diet:

The first way to cut excess fat in the stomach is to do weightlifting training or endurance training.

Based on research conducted by Harvard School of Public Health, weight training significantly reduces the risk of stomach obesity during the multi-year study period.

Another study from the University of Maryland found that 16 oekan weight training could increase respondents' metabolism by 7.7 percent. This condition then makes the effort to dispose of excess fat around the stomach easier.

Many people are reluctant to eat high-kabohydrate foods while running a diet program.

Related to this, you can replace it with fiber-rich foods to remove fat in the stomach quickly such as nuts, seeds, peri fruit, broccoli, and whole wheat.

The study conducted at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found that every 10 grams of the increase in soluble fiber every day was associated with a decrease of 3.7 percent of harmful visceral fat over five years.

If And wants to lose weight and cut fat in the stomach, try replacing regular protein with omega-3 in the fish.

Fish are not only low in calories, but also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which can lose more weight.

In addition, consuming foods that contain a lot of omega-3 can also make it easier for us to maintain weight.

That's information about how to cut fat without a diet. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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