
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Modern Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo) admits that it has never been involved in making policies to enforce the Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) or now called PPKM Level 4. In fact, the retail sector is also a sector affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As is known, the government has extended the Emergency PPKM or now called PPKM Level 4 until July 25 and will gradually start opening some sectors starting July 26. This decision was taken considering the high number of COVID-19 cases in the country.

Chairman of the Indonesian Modern Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo) Roy Nicholas Mandey said that because retail entrepreneurs were never invited to coordinate and communicate, when implementing policies, there were often multiple interpretations and other things.

For example, said the Independent Vice President Commissioner of Matahari Department Stores, in the Minister of Home Affairs No. 22 concerning PPKM which will take effect immediately, the sectors that may operate are essential, critical sectors and under this regulation there are traditional markets, supermarkets and supermarkets.

Meanwhile, Roy said, the definition of a supermarket when viewed in PP 29, the Ciptaker Law 11/2020 and Law 7/2014 includes minimarkets, supermarkets, hypermarkets, department stores and wholesalers.

"Perhaps the author (does not know). We have conveyed it to the Coordinating Ministry, his team and so on. That is the definition of a supermarket. But precisely because of the injustice of the authorities to us, businessmen. So the connotation of supermarkets is considered as a basic need. ," he said in a virtual press conference, Thursday, June 22.

Roy said because the multiple interpretations could have an impact on micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) affiliated with large retailers. In fact, another impact is termination of employment or layoffs.

"We also reduce stock. If productivity is low, we definitely have less inventory. Why do we stock up if productivity is low. What does it mean if the downstream sector is not maintained, there is no condition for it to continue to operate. This is nothing. The upstream sector is assisted by the downstream sector. , then the product will be eaten alone by the upstream sector, right who sells it to consumers in the downstream sector," he said.

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