
JAKARTA - PT Kimia Farma Apotek (KFA), a subsidiary of PT Kimia Farma, has begun handing over 5,500 initial packages of supplements and vitamins for health workers (nakes) in East Java, especially Surabaya and Malang.

President Director of PT Kimia Farma Apotek Nurtjahjo Walujo Wibowo handed over 2,750 packages for health workers (nurses, ambulance officers, mortuary officers and others) at Pelindo Husada Citra Hospital (PHC) Surabaya, Monday 19 July. Meanwhile, 2,750 other packages are for health workers in PT Nusantara Sebelas Medika which oversees a number of hospitals in Malang.

The aid in East Java is the first handover of the "Our Movement with Healthcare Workers" program launched by Kimia Farma and its subsidiary KFA as a form of concern for this BUMN and the community towards health workers as the frontline in handling COVID-19 cases.

"The package containing the Fituno Blister 3x10 caplet is expected to be able to strengthen the health of health workers such as ambulance officers, funeral service workers, and nurses. They are a high-risk group who have close contact with COVID-19 patients and corpses," said Nurtjahjo in a press release quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 21.

He further explained that the "Our Movement with the Health Workers" which will take place throughout July - August 2021 is a form of concern for the surge in COVID-19 cases. This program is also a form of Kimia Farma's concern with the community for health workers who are working on the front lines against the pandemic with their lives at stake.

"When COVID-19 patients arrive with various conditions, doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, hospital cleaners, are important figures to maintain the front line. Even funeral workers and grave diggers, face to face with an invisible but yet invisible enemy. real.

They have to face a real threat. Saving lives while risking their own lives," he said.

Nurtjahjo realized that what Kimia Farma and the community are currently doing is nothing. "We are aware that the role of health workers is very important, especially during a pandemic like now. They need extra protection to maintain their immunity in carrying out their duties. Hopefully this small step by KFA can ease their burden," said Nurtjahjo.

The delivery of packages, continued Nutjahjo, did not only stop in Surabaya and Malang, but continued throughout Indonesia. Kimia Farma also opens the door if there are community members who are interested in jointly appreciating the tough task of the health workers.

For the distribution of aid, KFA cooperates with its subsidiary, PT Kimia Farma Diagnostika (KFD). The distribution of the package is planned to be handed over once a week to health workers in the red and black zones of COVID-19.

On this occasion, the General Director of the PHC Hospital Abdul Rofid Fanany revealed that the assistance was a real program that needed to be supported in order to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

"This assistance will mean a lot to us. Because, wave 2, admit it or not, is more dangerous. In the past we had 105 mattresses, the average occupancy was 80-85 percent. Now we have added 140 mattresses, still not enough. Sometimes (the number of patients) exceeds 140, not including those lining up at the emergency room waiting for their room. Anyway, (currently) our beds are full almost every day," he said.

In line with this, the President Director of Nusamed, dr. Titin Amrih Wilujeng revealed that his party is very grateful to KFA for providing support in the form of providing vitamins for health workers.

"This is a support that explains that we are not alone. Hopefully KFA will be more advanced and at the forefront of Indonesia's health security," he said.

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