
JAKARTA - The Muamalat Institute and the University of North Sumatra (USU) are building collaborations in terms of developing economic learning, especially in banking and finance in order to produce graduates who are industrially competitive.

Muamalat Institute Executive Director Anton Hendrianto said this effort is a real step in supporting the financial ecosystem in Indonesia. This is because universities are the spearhead in producing quality human resources (HR).

For this reason, a competency improvement strategy like this is considered very appropriate to be carried out in order to align graduates who will enter the world of work with the needs of the financial industry.

"This is an effort and will definitely have a positive impact on the business sector in North Sumatra. God willing, this will be our first step to move forward together," he said in a press statement, quoted on Monday, July 19.

On the same occasion, USU Chancellor Muryanto Amin was grateful to be able to synergize with one of the institutions affiliated with the first Islamic bank in Indonesia.

“USU expresses its gratitude and welcomes the opportunity to learn and work together. Moreover, there are many benefits that can be obtained in management related to banking, the economy and activities that can support the implementation of the Tri Dharma of higher education," he said.

Muryanto added, producing graduates with qualified abilities and networks is not an easy matter at this time. Moreover, graduates from universities sometimes find it difficult to quickly adapt to the industrial world.

"Because the main goal of this collaboration is to reduce the gap through the formulation of learning programs in more detail and better so that it can be beneficial for both parties," he said.

"We hope that this collaboration can have a positive effect on the development of each institution," concluded USU Chancellor Muryanto Amin.

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