
JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned USaha Agency (BUMN) has again held the 2023 MSME Expo PADi which will be held from June 14 to 28, 2023 in Sarinah.

Expert Staff for Finance and MSME Development at the Ministry of SOEs, Loto Srinaita Ginting, said this exhibition was the fourth time it had been held since 2020.

"PaDi UMKM Expo ini adalah yang keempatan. Jadi masa pandemi kita mulai dua kali secara online dan ini adalah kali kedua adakan hybrid," ujarnya dalam sambutannya di Sarinah, Jumat, 16 Juni.

Loto revealed, if from year to year the Ministry of SOEs continues to record an increase in the participation of MSMEs involved in this exhibition.

It was recorded that in 2020 or the first batch was only followed by 244 MSMEs and carried out online.

Then in 2021 it will increase to 295 MSMEs and in the third batch or 2022 it will increase again to 412 MSMEs where 40 MSMEs from 412 will take part in offline exhibitions in Sarinah.

"This time, thank God the participants increased to 597 MSMEs with 201 offline," continued Loto.

In terms of turnover, Loto continued, in the first batch there was Rp1.6 billion recorded.

Furthermore, in the second batch there were 2442 transactions, and reached a turnover of up to IDR 12.5 billion.

Then in 2022, the number of transactions has doubled or reached 4774 transactions with an increase in transaction volume of 15.8 billion.

"Our hope is that this year the turnover will not decrease but will continue to be increased," continued Loto.

He added that the Ministry of SOEs is also targeting the expenditure of state-owned companies through this program to exceed Rp28 trillion.

Previously, the realization of SOE spending in 2022 reached IDR 550 trillion.

He detailed that of the total Rp550 trillion, Rp28 trillion was MSME spending through the PaDi MSME program.

"Until May 2023 alone, as an illustration, it will reach Rp 23 trillion. To Rp 28 trillion, maybe it will be missed," concluded Loto.

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