Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said that his party is targeting two million small and medium industrial products (IKM) to enter the e-catalog until the end of 2023.
"The government has a target by the end of 2023, as many as two million small industrial products will enter the e-catalog, so we have prepared regulations including Permenperin Number 46 of 2022," said Minister of Industry Agus at the Ministry of Industry Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, May 10.
Agus said that his party will continue to socialize the Permenperin, which is regulated to make it easier for small industries to obtain Domestic Component Level (TKDN) assessment certificates.
"First, we invite small industries to carry out self-assessment at the TKDN level of their products and there it is emphasized that certificates must be issued within five days after they enter their self-assessment into SIINAs, and all of these processes cost zero," he said.
Even so, Agus said, until now there has only been one million small industrial products that have entered the e-catalog. So, his party will continue to socialize Permenperin Number 46 of 2022 to achieve the expected target.
"The local government must diligently encourage small industries in their respective working areas to be able to obtain TKDN certificates, so that their products can enter e-catalog. We understand that some IKM industry activists have backgrounds, so we must know each character and find out which industries are suitable to be encouraged," he concluded.
Previously, the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continued to actively socialize Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 46 of 2022 concerning Provisions and Procedures for Calculating Domestic Component Level Values (TKDN) for Small Industries.
This effort is also in order to encourage increased TKDN certification for small industries (TKDN IK), so that small industry players can participate in the procurement of government goods and services which will lead to optimizing the use of local products.
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