JAKARTA – Someone with high blood pressure or hypertension needs to sort out food so it doesn't trigger a spike in blood pressure. One way to regulate the diet for people with hypertension is by using dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH).
The DASH diet has rules for consuming more fruits and vegetables. In this regard, the following recommendations for vegetables can lower high blood pressure.
1. Kale
One cup of kale contains 170 mg of potassium which can help lower high blood pressure and cardiovascular. These greens can be eaten raw without mayonnaise or added salt. Can also be mixed in a glass of fruit juice which is safe for people with hypertension.
2. Lettuce
A study proves that the right diet for people with high blood pressure is to eat foods that are high in potassium. Lettuce is a vegetable that is high in potassium. Even in three cups of lettuce sufficient 5 percent of the daily requirement of potassium.
3. Spinach
Isn't clear vegetables with a little salt made from spinach and sweet corn refreshing? Yes, spinach is good for people with hypertension because it contains potassium.
4. Mustard
A study has examined the benefits of mustard greens for people with heart disease. When consuming mustard greens, the risk of suffering from heart disease decreases significantly or about 15 percent. The high potassium content in mustard greens also helps lower high blood pressure.
5. Cabbage
As long as it is not processed by frying in oil, cabbage can counteract the effects of sodium in the body. Cabbage can help excrete excess sodium through the urine. In addition, cabbage also helps relax the walls of blood vessels.
6. Broccoli
As reported by Kompas, broccoli contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. These contents can reduce high blood pressure. Maximum benefits without causing other risks, after cleaning and cutting need to be left for 40 minutes to release anti-inflammatory enzymes.
Then it can be processed safely, such as boiled or sauteed in oil that is low in saturated fat.

7. Celery
It's no longer a secret that celery is effective in reducing hypertension. The phthalides compounds in celery are beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Because these compounds can lower blood pressure and relax blood vessels.
In addition to the seven vegetables above, beets and carrots are also no less useful. But if carrots are better consumed raw so that the benefits are more optimal.
While beets can be consumed in any form, either juiced or steamed, or sauteed. Beets have been shown in studies to contain nitrates that are effective at lowering blood pressure within 24 hours.
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