
The parents of the late Brigadier J or Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, Samuel Hutabarat and Rosti Simanjuntak were witnesses at the Ferdy Sambo trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday (1/11).

Before ending the testimony, Samuel expressed his feelings to Ferdy Sambo and his wife, Putri Candrawathi who was also present at the trial.

As a father, of course, he will not accept it if his son dies pathetically. Indiscriminately at his own boss's house. How would Ferdy Sambo feel if that happened to his son?

Mr. Ferdy Sambo is a father to his children, and I am also the father of my children. So, what is the opposite of my father's job in this incident when Mr. Ferdy Sambo becomes me, I become Mr. Ferdy Sambo," Samuel said in court.

"In such a sadistic way, I took the lives of my child or the lives of his child forcibly in his own house. How did he feel?" Samuel added.

Likewise for Putri, a woman, a mother who should have a very smooth conscience.

Where are her maternal instincts, if their child is treated the same. How do you feel?

The parents of the late Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, Samuel Hutabarat and Rosti Simanjuntak expressed their feelings over the death of their child in front of Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawati during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court on November 1, 2022. (YouTube Screenshot)

Rosti Simanjuntak couldn't stop thinking. As a mother, Rosti's heart broke when she saw her child returning to Jambi in a lifeless condition. The cause of death was covered.

If indeed Yosua has shortcomings, said Rosti, as Ferdy Sambo's superior, he should be wiser towards his aide who is loyal and responsible for carrying out his duties. Can notify or impose sanctions.

"But, with sadistic means, with open eyes, your life is lost, your father is separated, it is your property," Rosti said in court while sobbing.

"You are also God's creation. Therefore, please repent immediately, sir. The cry of my son will not be forgotten for a mother who has struggled to give birth to raise my son, a son of pride for us," Rosti continued.

God is everything. What is sprinkled in the world, that is what will accompany you later. Life is not eternal and eternal. Any power, any rank will not be able to match God's power. If God wishes, the truth will be revealed.

"So, please be aware as God's creation," he said.

For Putri, Rosti continued, as a mother, give exemplary examples, good role models for children.

"Please restore his name (Yosua). Recover our family from the slander of lies. My son, my mother, has been killed. Your wishes have been achieved, are you satisfied with what you did to my son?" said Rosti while crying.

Be aware, ma'am. Too cruel a mother sees, knows, hears. It's impossible for you not to know. You have eyes made by God. Mother given God your conscience, but your conscience is in vain, it's dead. Be aware immediately, repent, and speak honestly in this case so that my child's spirit is calm," Rosti continued.

What if Putri was in Rosti's current position, could she be willing and sincere?

The defendant Ferdy Sambo admitted that he really understood the feelings of Yosua's parents at this time. He apologized.

I am very sorry, at that time I was unable to control my emotions and was not clear to think. At the beginning of this trial, I would like to convey that the incident that occurred was the result of my anger at the actions of your child to my wife," said Sambo in response to the statements of Yosua's parents.

Next, said Sambo, let the trial prove. "I believe that I have made a mistake and I will be legally responsible, I still ask God for forgiveness."

Putri also expressed her condolences to the extended family of Yosua, especially to Samuel and Rosti. As a mother, she really understands what the Yosua family is feeling. May the deceased be given the best place by God Almighty.

"We as human beings can only return every path of our lives. This is the will of God Almighty. Me and Mr. Ferdy Sambo don't want an incident like this to happen in our family life. What carries wounds in my heart and my family," said Putri in a trembling voice.

"From the bottom of my heart I apologize to Joshua's mother and her family for this incident," he continued.

Putri admitted that she was ready to carry out the trial sincerely so that all events that occurred could be revealed.

Referring to the book 'Criminal Law' The third edition, according to Article 1 point 27 of the Criminal Procedure Code is one of the evidences in a criminal case in the form of statements from witnesses regarding a criminal event that he himself heard, he saw, and he experienced it himself by mentioning the reasons for his knowledge.

In order to realize justice, according to Article 164 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code, whenever a witness has finished giving testimony, the presiding judge of the trial asks the defendant what he thinks about the statement.

"In this case, the defendant can file an objection or rebuttal to the testimony of the witness or vice versa accept and/or add and clarify the testimony of the witness," said Andi Muhammad Sofyan, the author of the book.

Likewise, according to Article 165 of the Criminal Procedure Code:

In fact, to be able to prove guilty or not a defendant must go through a process of examination before the trial, namely by paying attention and considering evidence.

So, no one is innocent will be punished. Also, if someone is guilty, don't get too harsh a sentence. The punishment must be commensurate or balanced with the guilt," said Andi.

Apart from Samuel and Rosti, today's Ferdy Sambo trial also scheduled the examination of other witnesses, namely Kamaruddin Simanjuntak (prosua's family lawyer), Vera Simanjuntak (Yokan Yosua), Maharesa Rizky (Sua's younger brother), Yuni Artika Hutabarat (Sua's brother), and Devianita Hutabarat (Sua's younger brother),

Also, relatives of Yosua's other family, Novita Sari Nadea, Simanjuntak Rohani, Parulian Sangga, Emika Simanjuntak, and Indra Manto Pasaribu.

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