
JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has again issued the latest instruction regarding the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) for the Java and Bali regions, namely Inmendagri Number 42/2021. September to 20 September 2021. Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian in Inmendagri Number 42/2021 explained that instructions were issued following up on the directives of the President of the Republic of Indonesia who instructed him to implement PPKM levels 4, 3, and 2 for COVID-19 in Java and Bali. the pandemic situation based on an assessment and to complete the implementation of the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs regarding PPKM levels 3, 2 and 1 as well as optimizing the Command Post for handling COVID 19 at the village and sub-district levels to control the spread of COVID 19," wrote the Minister of Home Affairs sent by the Director General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs via email. electronic message in Jakarta, Tuesday. The first instruction for governors in Java-Bali regulates a number of regions, namely regencies and cities with level 4, 3 and 2 zones. Vaccination indicators. 19 determined by the Minister of Health. Reduction of the district-city level from level 3 to level 2, with indicators of total achievement of dose 1 vaccination being at least 50 percent and attainment of dose 1 vaccination for elderly people over 60 years being at least 40 percent. Then, decreasing the district level cities from level 2 to level 1, with a minimum of 70 percent total achievement of dose 1 vaccination and at least 60 percent of dose 1 vaccinations for seniors over 60 years. level 2 or level 1 based on indicators of adjustment of public health efforts and social restrictions In dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic as determined by the Minister of Health as of September 12, 2021, the regions will be given 2 weeks to reach the vaccination target as stated above, then with the provision that if the vaccination target is not achieved within 2 weeks, the city districts will increase to level 3. Adjustments were also made to the agglomeration areas in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabodetabek), Greater Bandung, Greater Semarang, Greater Solo, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Greater Surabaya, Greater Malang, Magelang City and Magelang Regency as well as Bali. Where, the assessment of the agglomeration area is calculated as a single unit.

PPKM Level 4 Then, PPKM in districts and cities in Java and Bali with level 4 criteria is carried out by implementing activities, namely the implementation of distance learning activities. Implementation of activities in non-essential sectors is 100 percent WFH. Activities in essential sectors such as finance and banking only covers insurance, banks, pawnshops, pension funds, and financial institutions (which are oriented to physical services with customers can operate with a maximum capacity of 50 percent of staff for locations related to services to the community. Also, the 25 percent rule for office administration services to support operational. The capital market sector is service-oriented with customers and the operation of the capital market is running well, communication information technology includes cellular operators, data centers, internet, media related to information dissemination to the public, non-quarantine handling hotels can operate by boat. maximum 50 percent staff. Export-oriented industries with companies must show proof of sample PEB documents for the last 12 months or other documents showing export plans and must have IOMKI, can only operate 1 shift with a maximum capacity of 50 percent staff only in production facilities/factories Also, operate with a maximum capacity of 10 percent for office administration services for their operations and are required to use the Peduli Protect application, arrangements for entering and leaving, and eating employees not at the same time. bureaucracy pets, fertilizers and petrochemicals can operate 100 percent of the maximum staff, only at production/construction facilities/services to the community. For office administration services to support operations, the rules that apply are a maximum of 25 percent of staff. and building materials, national vital objects, national strategic projects, construction (public infrastructure, telecommunications and broadcasting), basic utilities (electricity, water and waste management). production/construction/service facilities and office administration areas. Meanwhile, companies that are included in the category of the disaster management sector are required to obtain a recommendation from the technical ministry that supervises their sector before being able to gain access to use the Peduli Protect application.

Markets and restaurantsNext, for supermarkets, traditional markets, grocery stores and supermarkets that sell daily necessities, their operating hours are limited to 21.00 local time with a capacity of 50 percent of visitors. Supermarkets and hypermarkets are required to use the Peduli Protect application starting September 14, 2021. Pharmacies and drug stores can be open 24 hours. People's markets that sell non-daily necessities can operate with a maximum capacity of 50 percent and operating hours until 17.00 local time. Street vendors, grocery stores, voucher agents/outlets, barbershop, laundry hawkers, hawkers, small workshops, vehicle washers, and others of the same type are allowed to open with strict health protocols until 21.00 local time and the technical arrangements are carried out by the regional government. hawker stalls, and the like are allowed to open with proper health protocols g strictly until 20.00 local time. The maximum number of visitors to eat at the venue is 3 people and the maximum meal time is 30 minutes. The next technical arrangement is regulated by the local government. Restaurants/restaurants, cafes with locations located in closed buildings/shops, both in separate locations and those located in shopping centers/malls only accept delivery/take away and do not accept food on the spot. Restaurants/restaurants, cafes with service areas in open spaces are allowed to open with strict health protocols until 20.00 local time. The maximum permitted capacity is 25 percent, one table is a maximum of two people, and a maximum meal time is 30 minutes whose technical arrangements are determined by local government. Activities at shopping centers/malls/trade centers are temporarily closed except for access for store employees who serve online sales with a maximum of 3 people per shop, restaurant, supermarket, and supermarket can be allowed by observing the regulated provisions. Then, the implementation of sector activities construction for public infrastructure (construction site and project sites) operate 100 percent by implementing more stringent health protocols.

Places of worship Places of worship (mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples, monasteries, and pagodas as well as other places that function as places of worship), with a maximum of 50 percent capacity or 50 people by implementing stricter health protocols and paying attention to technical arrangements from the Ministry of Religion. public areas, namely public areas, public parks, public tourist places and other areas, are temporarily closed. Art, culture, sports and social activities, namely the location of arts, culture, sports facilities and social activities that can cause crowds and crowds are temporarily closed. Transportation public transportation, namely public transportation, mass transportation, taxis (conventional and online) and rental/rental vehicles are enforced with a maximum capacity setting of 50 percent by implementing more stringent health protocols. For the implementation of wedding receptions, the implementation of PPKM level 4. Transportation Next, travellers domestic use private car, bicycle motorbikes and long-distance public transportation (airplanes, buses, ships and trains) must show a vaccine card, at least the first dose of vaccination. Then, show H-2 PCR for airplanes and antigen (H-1) for private car transportation modes , motorcycles, buses, trains and ships. The provisions referred to in paragraphs are only valid for arrivals and departures from and to Java and Bali and do not apply to transportation within the agglomeration area for example for the Jabodetabek area. For travel by air between cities or regencies in Java and Bali can show a negative result of Antigen (H-1) provided that a second dose of vaccination has been obtained, and a negative result of H-2 PCR if you have just received a dose of 1 vaccine. Drivers for logistics vehicles and other goods transportation are excluded from the provision of having a vaccine card Levels 3 and 2 In the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs this time, technical implementation of activities with PPKM is also regulated in regencies and cities in West Sumatra. Layah Java and Bali with level 3 criteria. The Minister of Home Affairs also issued a technical dictum for implementation for level 2. The activities regulated in PPKM criteria level 3 and 2 in districts and cities in Java and Bali are generally the same as those for level 4 criteria, only the difference is namely the matter of easing restrictions. For example, the implementation of learning in education units for level 3 or level 2 criteria can be done through limited face-to-face learning and/or distance learning based on a joint decision of the Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health and Minister of Home Affairs. Then, places of worship (mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples, monasteries, and pagodas as well as other places that function as places of worship), in the level 2 area criteria it can be with a maximum of 75 percent capacity or 75 people by implementing stricter health protocols and paying attention to the technical arrangements of the Ministry of Religion. level 2 public transportation (public transportation, mass transportation, taxis both conventional and online) ine and rental vehicles) are enforced with a maximum capacity setting of 100 percent by implementing more stringent health protocols. Wedding receptions can be held with a maximum of 50 invitations and do not hold meals on the spot.