Mensos Risma Invites Residents To Gotong-royong To Lighten The Burden In The Middle Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - Social Minister Tri Rismaharini assured residents that the spirit of mutual cooperation could ease the burden in dealing with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"The concept of gotong royong that we do can ease the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, because in gotong royong there is responsibility, there is a sense of brotherhood with the same fate. We have to develop that spirit of gotong royong again," said Risma, in a statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 27.

Risma said that in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, the government cannot work alone, but requires synergy among fellow nation's children by fostering the spirit of mutual cooperation in the community.

In the spirit of mutual cooperation, Risma must believe that there is a power that can solve various problems of the nation, no matter how heavy, but on condition that they do not move individually or individually.

"I believe all kinds of problems of our nation can be solved together as long as there is a spirit of mutual cooperation and do not move independently, and not you-you and me-that is definitely not a solution," he said.

In the current COVID-19 pandemic, according to Risma, how the spirit of gotong royong can save and protect others for people who are undergoing self-isolation (isoman) just stay at home.

In addition, Risma asked residents to care about giving food to people who are isoman so that they don't have to leave the house to buy food that could potentially infect a stall.

This, according to him, is a real example of caring in the spirit of mutual cooperation that protects and loves others.

Risma said that even history teaches, in the era of the war of independence where with limited weapons and resources you could not win. But independence can be successful, because there is a spirit of mutual cooperation among the nation's children.

“Gotong royong became a force in the war for independence and at that time the people provided food assistance for the fighters. That means, it is impossible for us to cover alone in tackling the pandemic, and there are no problems that cannot be solved by mutual cooperation," said Risma.

He also gave an example of synergies between people who have money and people who have the ability to cook, and that can be collaborated into a movement to help other people like what the public kitchens have done to overcome the pandemic.

“Just like Person A has money, Person B can cook and Person C has a spirit of mutual cooperation and cares about sharing, if they are synergized, it will be an extraordinary power. So there is no need to be afraid that this nation will collapse as long as there is a spirit of mutual cooperation and care for others," he said.