In Addition To Skincare, Sleeping Position Can Also Have An Impact On Skin Beauty

JAKARTA - People usually associate skin beauty with adequate sleep duration. However, what happens if the coveted healthy skin never gets due to the wrong sleeping position?

Yes, in addition to adequate sleep duration, it turns out that there are different types of sleeping positions that can cause damage to the skin, especially the facial area. A poor sleeping position can have an impact on the skin and cause acne to appear premature signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Launching the Times of India page, Tuesday, July 27, the following sleeping positions can affect skin beauty.

Sleep hugging pillow

Sleeping on your back is the best way to sleep. Maintaining a sleeping position with a height of 20-30 degrees can make the fluids in the body flow properly. But unfortunately, many feel comfortable with sleeping on their side or stomach.

Unknowingly this will make the face pushed and pressed against the pillow. Where the sheath contains bacteria or even traces of virgin products and makeup stuck to it. The best solution that can be done is to change pillowcases regularly. Dirty pillowcases can cause skin breakouts or even rashes on the skin.

Sleeping on his stomach

This sleeping position may be the most preferred by many people but is actually the worst for skin health. Sleeping on your stomach means that you don't let circulation run smoothly and block the follicles in your skin. If left continuously, this will cause clogged pores, breakouts, and fine lines appear on the skin.

It can also cause puffy eyes and the appearance of eye bags, because the face is pressed against the pillow for 8 hours.

side sleeping

Next is the type of side sleeping position. This position causes less damage to the skin than the other positions. However, this position is also not the ideal one to do.

When you sleep on your side, you put a lot of pressure on one side. This can flatten the cheekbones and trigger side wrinkles from all the friction and pressure.

In addition, when applying night skincare, all the ingredients are not absorbed well on the skin, because some of them stick to the pillow.