Expert Recommendations, Here Are 3 Ways To Control Dopamine Or The Happy Hormone

JAKARTA – Dopamine is a brain chemical compound, known as a feel-good neurotransmitter. Also known as 'gift molecule'. An expert and author of The Athlete's Way: Sweat and the Biology of Bliss, Christopher Bergland, provides recommendations for controlling dopamine.

Reported by Psychology Today, Monday, July 26, neurologists have long known that the way to increase dopamine is to achieve extrinsic goals.

Treadmill-based research conducted in 2021, showed that white rats modulate dopamine impulses with exercise or exercise.

"I've been researching and searching for science-based evidence that provides new clues about how to trigger the release of the feel-good neurotransmitter (dopamine), through exercise and daily lifestyle habits," said Bergland.

From treadmill-based studies, it is known that the mammalian brain can voluntarily modulate cortical dopamine impulses. According to Bergland's recommendations, how to control or increase dopamine as a good mood hormone, here's a list.

Science-based knowledge is power

It may initially be like a placebo effect, according to Bergland. But when you believe that deliberately doing activities in your daily lifestyle can increase dopamine levels and can be a sustainable measure.

As Bergland said above, starting from exercise, making the bed in the morning, having a light but nutritious breakfast menu, snacking on nuts, and healthy habits can trigger the release of neurotransmitters. The key, the activity is 'deliberately' done or realized.

Set mini-goals

Achieving mini-goals or small achievements can turn the brain into a dopamine factory. Knowing that you've accomplished the little things that were planned in advance can strengthen your ability to spontaneously control your dopamine impulses.

Celebrating small victories

Thinking of yourself as capable of winning, even on a small scale, can be a time to manage dopamine. Neuroscientists have also proven for decades that hitting a goal and saying 'Yes, I did it' is a way of getting three rewards in a row.

In addition to feeling happier and happier, the third gift is feeling appreciated.