Raisa And Hamish Daud Couple Share Tips For Taking Care Of Children During A Pandemic, Don't Stress Seeing Dirty Houses

JAKARTA - Celebrity couple Raisa Andriana and Hamish Daud shared their experiences of taking care of their first child, Zalina Raine Wyllie during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The two of them used the pandemic to maximize time with family. Even though she had to think of many ways to create a fun activity, Raisa admitted that she really enjoyed it.

"If we can do anything, we will do everything we can. As long as we really intend to get rid of boredom, we can do it. The important thing is not to get stressed when you see a dirty house," Raisa said in the "Healthy Kids Healthy Family" webinar on Saturday, 24 July quoted from Antara.

The "About Yourself" singer said it doesn't matter if her house is messy and dirty. The most important thing for him is that Zalina can explore and train motor skills.

Meanwhile, Hamish admitted that his communication with Raisa and Zalina is getting better. By spending time together, they understand each other better.

"Yaya (Raisa) is also very hands on, she likes to read and read, so if Zalina is crying or protesting, it doesn't mean anything, she just doesn't know how to communicate with us. Gradually, the three of us communicate more and more together," Hamish said.

"Yaya also likes to find toys that are sensory, I also like to take him to the sea or nature to make him more daring with his senses," continued Hamish.

Zalina is currently 2.5 years old and doesn't really understand the COVID-19 pandemic that is currently happening. But both of them provide understanding through behavior that can be imitated by their children.

"Actually, it's hard to explain to Zalina what COVID-19 is, but we're taking it slow. She's at an age who always imitates us, so it's best if we imitate her like washing hands, wearing masks," Raisa said.

"It's like don't put your hands in your mouth, wash your hands diligently, wear masks, use hand sanitizers. Maybe it's too hard to teach about COVID-19 but if it's simple, he already knows very well. He likes wearing masks and that's why we'll make something fun ," Hamish added.