Sports Is Important, Celebrity Nana Mirdad Has Tips To Not Be Bored, Especially During This COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - Maintaining health and body immunity such as exercise and a healthy diet is now a form of effort to avoid various diseases including COVID-19. The problem is that sometimes people get bored with exercising. Artist Nana Mirdad has tips so that you don't get bored of maintaining fitness by exercising.

In the midst of a pandemic that has not yet ended, there are changes in people's trends and habits when living a healthy lifestyle. Previously, sport was synonymous with community, now almost all people do sports at home by following online videos.

One of the public figures who often provide inspiration in exercising and implementing a healthy lifestyle is Nana Mirdad. The actress, who now lives in Bali, said that she had long liked sports and consumed healthy food.

Nana Mirdad and Andrew White. (Instagram @nanamirdad_)

"My favorite sport is running, and I always try to exercise every day at least one hour or 4-5 times a week. I'm lucky to have an environment that also supports my goals in exercising, so I can carry out my routine with more enthusiasm," said Nana in his official statement not long ago as reported by Antara.

While living a healthy lifestyle, Nana admits that she always motivates herself so that she doesn't feel bored or give up easily. He also shared some tips so that people are always excited to exercise at home.

Downloading Sports Apps

Currently, the community is greatly facilitated by the existence of technology and internet connections that can be accessed properly so that they can be used to support a healthy lifestyle, namely exercising regularly from home through applications on smart phones.

Nana Mirdad and Andrew White. (Instagram @nanamirdad_)

Nana recommends for beginners to download a sports application, so that exercise can be done regularly, scheduled and there are reminders from the application.

Follow Favorite Influencers

Following an idol's sports journey and healthy lifestyle can indeed provide motivation, Nana also does this. He admits that until now he still often explores what sports can be followed every day from home so as not to get bored.

Don't expect instant results

The boredom of exercising will surely come and be experienced by everyone. One way to avoid this boredom is to make exercise a consistent activity even with a light capacity, and don't expect quick results.

"Because when we force to exercise with a heavy capacity in the hope of producing something fast, we are easier to feel bored in doing it and burn out if the results are not as expected," said Nana.

Nana Mirdad also likes cross-country sports, sports while traveling. (Instagram @nanamirdad_)
Wearing Tracksuits

You can strengthen your commitment to exercise by wearing sports clothes from the moment you wake up. Nana admits that this method is quite effective and effective to make a person consistent in exercising, because it will feel burdened if he does not exercise.

That's the exercise fatigue tips from Nana Mirdad. In addition to the tips above, she also often exercises with her beloved husband; Andrew White, this will also add to the motivation. Hopefully it can inspire you in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.