Minister Of Transportation Budi Karya When Providing Basic Food For Gojek, Grab, And Shopee Food Drivers: You Are The Driver Of The Economy In Difficult Times

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation provided basic food assistance to around 100 online motorcycle taxi drivers from Grab, Gojek, and Shopee Food applicators. The food aid was handed over directly by the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, on Thursday, July 22, at Sumur Batu, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

The Minister of Transportation said that the COVID-19 pandemic for more than a year had an impact on all sectors including online transportation such as online motorcycle taxis. However, transportation services must continue to run to serve the community and logistics distribution, while still paying attention to health protocols.

"I'm happy because I was able to meet mas and madam ojol drivers. The President pays great attention to public transportation. And you as part of that have done an extraordinary thing by delivering various necessities such as food, vitamins, medicine and other important items to the public. It is the people who have to limit mobility. You have also contributed to moving the wheels of the economy in the midst of this difficult situation," said the Minister of Transportation, in his statement, quoted on Friday, July 23.

Furthermore, the Minister of Transportation revealed that related to the requirements for a Worker Registration Certificate (STRP) for ojol drivers, the applicators have made it collectively to make it easier for drivers.

"But colleagues must use the attributes of online motorcycle taxis so that they are easily recognized by officers and can directly pass through the barriers," said the Minister of Transportation.

The Minister of Transportation invited online motorcycle taxi drivers to remain disciplined in complying with health protocols while on duty, namely by washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance and staying away from crowds, especially when waiting for orders.

In addition, the Minister of Transportation also appealed to application operator companies to accommodate driver-partners to get the vaccine, because the driver is one of the frontline road transportation services who must receive maximum protection.