Bekasi Imposes Fines Or Confinement For Violators Of COVID-19 Protocols

BEKASI - The Bekasi Regency Government, West Java has imposed light criminal sanctions (tipiring) on violators of health protocols and Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) provisions in order to reduce the spike in active cases in the area which is currently still at level 4.

"The warning has been issued, we will be stricter. Starting tomorrow both the public and business actors who violate these provisions will be subject to a tipiring sanction", said Head of Bekasi Regency Civil Service Police (Satpol PP) Dodo Hendra Rosika in Cikarang, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 22.

He explained that the minor criminal sanctions referred to in the form of corporal punishment or imprisonment for a maximum of three months and or paying a fine of at least IDR 500.000 and a maximum of IDR 50 million.

His party plans to increase judicial operations, supervision, and unannounced inspections in non-essential and critical sectors during the extension period of PPKM level 4 which will last until July 25, 2021.

"We focus on taking firm measures that are measurable but still humane and God willing, we will carry out judicial operations, as well as trials. Those who violate will have a trial court", he said.

Dodo claimed to have coordinated with the Cikarang District Court to process violators of the health protocol provisions during the implementation of PPKM level 4.

The Bekasi Regency Government, he said, was referring to the policy of the West Java Provincial Regulation Number 5 of 2021 in giving sanctions to violators of the provisions in question.

"So we hope that no one violates it again. We have been doing socialization, education, and even verbal and written warnings regarding the rule, starting tomorrow we will apply the tipiring", he said.

Head of the Supervision and Enforcement Section of the Bekasi District Satpol PP, Windhy Mauly, said that in addition to involving the Cikarang District Court, his party was also assisted by the National Armed Force (TNI) and police personnel, as well as the prosecutor's office.

His party will also maximize the implementation of the operation by increasing the number of personnel who will carry out inspections to several places that have the potential to violate health protocols during the Emergency PPKM period.

"For PPKM level 4, the rules are not much different from emergency PPKM. But yesterday we only gave education, warnings, and statements. Starting tomorrow we will give a tipiring sanction", he said.

Windhy admitted that since the Emergency PPKM was implemented on July 3 to July 20, 2021, officers had sealed 33 business places ranging from restaurants, futsal venues, fitness centers, to two companies that did not have an Industrial Activity Mobility Operational Permit (IOMKI).

"Actually, there are many, yes, some of which we appeal to confiscate the chairs, and are given a warning letter, and asked to make a statement", he said.