Firli Bahuri Names 18 KPK Employees Who Participate In National Defense Training With A Knight Spirit

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri said 18 employees who participated in the National Defense and National Insight Training had a knight spirit.

This was conveyed when he officially opened the activity held at the Defense University, Sentul, Bogor, West Java.

"KPK appreciates all employees who are willing to take part in the training," said Firli in a written statement to reporters, Thursday, July 22.

He said these 18 employees are people who are willing to serve the country in accordance with the mandate of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

"Today is a big day with a chivalrous spirit where KPK employees are willing to serve, love, and be loyal to the country according to the ideals set out in Pancasila and the Constitution," he said. failed in the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) and can still be saved as long as they follow the National Defense and National Insight Training and Education.

There were actually 24 of the 75 employees who were declared unsuccessful. However, only 18 people were willing to participate in this activity.

Returning to Firli, when he opened the event, he had a chance to meet with the Chancellor of the Defense University, Vice Admiral TNI Amarulla Octavian. According to him, from the meeting there was a discourse on cooperation with the Defense University regarding the education of KPK employees.

"There is a big possibility of educational cooperation for KPK employees at the postgraduate level," he concluded.

[Photo caption: 18 KPK employees who are taking part in the National Defense and Insight Education and Training at the Indonesian Defense University. Source: Public Relations KPK]