Plants At Home Damaged By Aphids? Here's How To Get Rid Of It

JAKARTA - Aphids are a group of insects that live in colonies and can attack or damage plants by sucking the liquid on the plant. As a result, plants can also be damaged, such as dry, grow stunted, die, and even carry viruses and damage other plants in the vicinity.

Of course, you shouldn't allow aphids to damage your favorite plants. To work around this, you can try one of the tips in the article below.

Spray plants regularly

One of the reasons aphids can nest on plants is the lack of care. Instead, do maintenance such as spraying it regularly. You can prepare the water in a plant spray, then place the plant in an outdoor area. After that, spray the entire plant with water and do it periodically until the aphids are gone.







Spray using a solution of onion and chili water

If the above method of getting rid of aphids has been done, but it is not optimal, you can do the next method. Yes, this method can be done by mixing onions and chilies that have been mashed with water. After you have prepared the aphid repellent, please spray it on the affected plant area.

Prune leaves that are infested with aphids

If your favorite plant has been attacked by aphids in sufficient numbers, then you should immediately prune that part of the plant using scissors. You must do this so that the aphids do not spread and damage other plants.