Been To Tanjungpinang Hajj Dormitory Three Times, Residents: We Don't Get Vaccines

JAKARTA - Dozens of residents have gathered since morning waiting in line to be vaccinated at the Hajj Dormitory Building in Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands, Wednesday, July 21.

Tensions between officers and residents also occurred because vaccine stocks were limited. Residents who feel disappointed think that the implementation of the vaccination has not been adjusted to their expectations.

Yono, one of the residents, has been to the Hajj Dormitory three times, but so far he has not had his turn to be vaccinated for the second time, because supplies are limited.

Dozens of other residents, who wanted to be vaccinated with the first dose, were also forced to leave the Hajj Dormitory because the stock of the first vaccine since last week had run out. Even though they had been waiting for hours at the Hajj Dormitory which was designated by the Riau Islands Provincial Government as one of the vaccination centers in Tanjungpinang.

"We didn't get the vaccine after waiting for hours to get the queue number. In the end, we didn't get vaccinated either," he said as quoted by Antara.

Police officers and the vaccination committee were unable to explain to residents to ease the tension. However, residents are already disappointed.

"It should have been conveyed from the start, so we didn't have to wait long," said Irda, one of the residents to the officers.

Half an hour after the tension broke out, new members of the police and Satpol PP came to the Hajj Dormitory to break up the crowd. However, at that time residents were slowly leaving the vaccination site.

One of the Hajj Dormitory's COVID-19 vaccination committee, Raja Dina said, the number of vaccines available at the Hajj Dormitory was insufficient. "Actually, the only obstacle is the insufficient number of vaccines," said Dina.

Today, according to him, there are only 200 doses of the second dose of vaccine available at the Hajj Dormitory, with details of 100 doses of AstraZeneca and 100 doses of Sinovac.