Positive Cases Of COVID-19 In Tokyo Olympic Athletes Village Increase, This Time Czech Beach Volleyball Coach

JAKARTA - Czech beach volleyball coach Simon Nausch has tested positive for COVID-19 at the Olympic Athletes Village, according to officials, Tuesday, July 20 or the day after one of the players also tested positive.

"At least we know that the daily tests were successful and caught positive cases from the start. It's not fun for us, but we will deal with it," said Czech Olympic team head Martin Doctor, quoted by AFP.

The team leader said Nausch had left the Olympic Athletes Village for isolation and that any close contact would self-isolate.

This is the fifth COVID-19 case in the Athlete Village. Two South African football players and a video analyst previously tested positive.

"Because of the previous cases in our team, we tried to be very careful. Unfortunately it didn't work, but I am very happy that I am in isolation before I can endanger others participating in the Olympics," said Nausch.

The announcement came a day after Czech beach volleyball player Ondrej Perusic tested positive for COVID-19 at the Olympic Athletes Village

The Czech Olympic Committee earlier said that a staff member had also tested positive after landing in Tokyo last week.

The Olympic Athletes Village, which includes an apartment complex and dining area in Tokyo, will host 6,700 athletes and officials at its peak during the Games.