Is Your Phone Tapped? These Are 7 Ways To Find Out If There Is A Wiretapping On Your Cellphone

JAKARTA - The rise of the Pegasus spyware that is used to tap journalists, politicians, businessmen and activists, makes us have to be vigilant on our cellphones. Lest anyone spy on us.

Hackers might be able to listen to calls, read and send messages and emails, or change information in the interface. But how do we know if the phone has been tapped?

Here's how to tell if your phone is bugged.

1. Battery Problem

The battery heat going on in our phones has to be special. The phone gets very hot if you use a lot of apps and consuming media will also make your phone warmer.

A hot battery can also be a sign of phone tapping. Malicious software can run in the background, allowing others to spy on you. If the battery continues to drain, even if you don't use it often, this is a strange sign to watch out for. Be suspicious if your phone won't charge.

2. Increased Cellular Data Usage

Keeping track of your phone bill can save you a lot of money as well as being helpful in finding spyware. If the number of these cell phone bills is increasing dramatically, you need to know why that is. If you can't find the reason, there may be a third party intercepting your messages.

Malicious software uses your data to send the collected information to outside sources. Not only does it rely on home Wi-Fi but it will consume data no matter where you are.

3. Unwanted Ads and Apps

You have to know exactly what's on your phone, especially apps running in the background. If there are applications that you have never installed before but are running in the background, this is something to watch out for.

There were 17 fraudulent apps found in the App Store. It was originally believed to contain Trojan malware, but is actually adware that displays malicious advertisements to users.

Adware can also be used to collect data and open backdoors for hackers. So clicking any link can lead to more malware.

4. Common Performance Issues

If your phone is experiencing performance lags, there may be a method cybercriminals use to tap your phone. You can check which apps are using the most RAM.

On iOS, you need to go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage. On Android, click Settings > Apps and scroll to Run. You may see Photos and Music near the top of the list. From here, you can properly assess your app usage, and check for anything that isn't right.

5. Weird Messages Can Indicate Phone Taps

What you might think of as spam, annoyance, or the wrong number can be a warning that something is wrong. Suspicious SMS of numbers, characters, and symbols that seem random, and that feel strange to watch out for.

Don't ignore suspicious messages. Most likely the cause is the one used by cybercriminals. If it's not installed properly, a coded message will appear in your inbox that shouldn't be noticed.

If any of your family or friends say you've been sending them strange texts or emails, your phone may have been compromised with malware. Keep an eye on any activity you don't recognize. If you don't remember sending something, then be suspicious.

6. Websites Look Different

There are malicious apps on your phone that can change the look of the websites you frequently visit differently. There may be Malware acting as a proxy, intercepting communication between you and the site you are trying to visit. It might show you fake pages, or simply track whatever you type.

This is really a problem if you use online banking — or indeed anything that requires personal details. It could be a password, financial details, or simply Personally Identifiable Information (PII), the main currency on the Dark Web.

7. Use Android Forwarding Code Like *#21#

That code only works on Android phones, but it's the perfect way to find out if any of your data is being passed on to a third party.

Just open your keypad interface and type *#21*, *#67#, or *#62# then tap the “call” icon. If one doesn't work, try another. The code takes you to a screen detailing “Call Forwarding”.

It will list Voice calls, Data, SMS, Plans, PAD and more. Ideally, each should say "Not forwarded" afterward. If it says "Forwarded", your smartphone may have been hacked.

What can be done? Just type ##002# into the dial screen, then press the dial symbol again. The screen should show "Deletion successful", which means you have decided on the cyber attack. You can navigate away from this screen by tapping OK.

How to Know If a Phone is Tapped?

Don't be too paranoid: most of us wouldn't fall victim to phone tapping. But it's worth brushing up on some basic security measures. Reduce the risk of infection by only downloading apps from official stores.