Vaccine Invasion, Indonesian Navy Targets One Thousand Vaccines For Tanjung Kait People Masyarakat

JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Navy (TNI AL) has again carried out a COVID-19 vaccine attack, this time with a target of 1,000 doses of vaccine for the maritime community of Tanjung Kait, Tanjung Anom Village, Mauk District, Tangerang, Banten, Saturday, July 17.

The vaccination activity which will last for two days is a direct order from the Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral Yudo Margono, SE, MM to all ranks of the Indonesian Navy for the success of the government program, namely the Covid-19 Vaccine Incursion 'One 1 Million Vaccines Per Day' all levels of society throughout Indonesia.

According to the Commander of the TNI AL Main Base (Lantamal) III Jakarta Brigadier General TNI (Mar) Umar Farouq, SAP, this vaccination activity by the Navy is a concrete effort to carry out national vaccinations simultaneously with all state apparatus, government apparatus, TNI-Polri and other communities. in the face of a pandemic situation, especially in Indonesia which is increasing.

The vaccination program was well received by the residents of Tanjung Kait. (Special)

"We are both fighting for Indonesia, mobilizing local residents to participate in vaccinations in Tanjung Kait, which is the work area of Lantamal III. We held it in coastal areas with the aim of being limited in time than coastal communities who have to earn a living to support their families,” he said.

Furthermore, Danlantamal III hopes that all residents of the Tanjung Kait area will sincerely attend the vaccination site because it is important, where later the vaccine that has been injected will be able to stabilize the immune system in the body to deal with exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

This COVID-19 vaccination activity involved 3 vaccinator teams from the Lantamal III Health Service and was attended by Wadan Lantamal III, Lantamal III officials, Mauk District Secretary, Tanjung Anom Village Head, Head of the PP Mauk Satpol, Danramil Mauk, Mauk Police Chief and Head of Satrat 211 Disops.