KPK Deposits Rp10 Billion Replacement Money And Fines 4 Corruption Convicts

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has deposited Rp10 billion into the state treasury from the payment of replacement money and fines for four convicted criminal acts of corruption.

"The execution prosecutor team on July 13, 2021 has deposited Rp10,074,456,647.00 to the State Treasury from the payment of replacement money and fines for the four convicts," said Plt. KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati Kuding was quoted by Antara, Saturday, July 17.

First, he said, replacement money and fines from the convict former Malang Regent Rendra Kresna based on the Corruption Court's decision at the Surabaya District Court Number: 84/Pid.Sus/TPK/2020/PN. Sby on April 27, 2021, amounting to Rp8,574,456,647.00.

"For the following payments. Payment of the replacement money for the first installment of Rp. 6,075,000,000.00, payment of the replacement money for the second installment of Rp. 2,075,000,000.00, payment of fines for the first installment of Rp. second Rp250,000,000," said Ipi.

Rendra is a convict in the case of receiving gratification together with Eryk Armando Talla from the private sector related to a number of projects in a number of agencies in Malang Regency, East Java.

Second, the replacement money from the convict former Director of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) Budi Santoso based on the Corruption Court's decision at the Bandung District Court Number: 60/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. Bdg on April 21, 2021.

"Has made a replacement payment of Rp.900,000,000.00 of the total liability of Rp.2,009,722,500.00," said Ipi.

Budi is a convict in a corruption case related to sales and marketing activities at PT DI in 2007-2017.

Third, the fine of the convict Eryk Armando Talla based on the decision of the Corruption Court at the Surabaya District Court Number: 82/Pid.Sus/TPK/2020/PN. Sby on April 27, 2021. Eryk has paid a fine of Rp. 250,000,000.00.

Fourth, the replacement money from the convict former Chair of the Muara Enim Regency DPRD, Aries HB, based on the Corruption Court's decision at the Palembang District Court Number: 19/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. Plg dated January 19, 2021 jucto the Decision of the Corruption Court at PT Palembang Number: 2 /Pid.Sus-TPK/PT. PLG on March 31, 2021.

"Has made a replacement payment of Rp. 350,000,000.00 of the total liability of Rp. 3,031,000,000.00," said Ipi.

Aries is a convict in a bribery case related to projects at the PUPR Office in Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra.

Ipi said that his institution appreciates the legal awareness of the convicts who have fulfilled the obligation to pay compensation and fines as part of the implementation of the judge's decision which has permanent legal force.

"With this awareness, the KPK hopes that the implementation of asset recovery from the proceeds of corruption can be optimized to contribute to the revenue of the State Treasury," he said.