Parking Attendants And Traders In Pontianak Can Smile, Get 5 Kg Of Rice Bantuan
JAKARTA - The Pontianak City Government, West Kalimantan, has provided rice assistance for residents affected by the implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) from 12 to 20 July 2021.
"This rice aid is distributed to those who are directly affected by the implementation of Emergency PPKM, such as parking attendants, street vendors and others," said Pontianak Mayor Edi Rusdi Kamtono after releasing the Emergency PPKM aid distribution team at the Pontianak City Health Office page, reported by Antara, Friday, July 16th.
He explained that the assistance in the form of rice was five kilograms each which was distributed to Pontianak City residents who were directly affected by the implementation of Emergency PPKM.
The team for distributing rice aid, consisting of Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas, the Pontianak City Social Service who distributed it to the affected community.
Edi added that this assistance is a form of government attention to encourage those who are affected by the implementation of the Emergency PPKM. The hope is that this assistance can slightly ease the burden on the affected people.
"The overall amount of aid is still flexible considering the availability of stocks and capabilities. However, what we prioritize the most is the people who really need it," said Edi.
He hopes that the people of Pontianak City will participate in the success of implementing Emergency PPKM by complying with applicable rules, including avoiding crowds and prioritizing activities at home. "So that it can reduce the number of COVID-19 infections," he said.
Meanwhile, Pontianak City Police Chief Kombes Leo Joko Triwibowo said, the distribution of this assistance was an activity of the Pontianak City COVID-19 Task Force for people affected by the implementation of Emergency PPKM.
"This assistance is distributed by all lines, such as Babinsa, Bhabinkamtibmas and the Pontianak City Government," he said.
In the future, if there is additional assistance from the central government, then his party will distribute it again. "Later, collaboration with the central government will delegate to local governments," he said.