Red Betel, Plants High In Flavonoids That Help Increase Insulin Sensitivity

JAKARTA – Red betel has long been used as an alternative medicine. Based on a number of studies, the red betel plant has many benefits, especially for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Red betel is a vine and is often cultivated because of its health benefits. Not only that, the aesthetic shape of the leaves also attracts plant lovers. This plant comes from Sulawesi with the scientific name Piper ornatum.

As an herbal plant, red betel contains flavonoids. The content is in the leaves which are one type of foliphenol or chemical substance that only exists in plants. For diabetics, flavonoids are antioxidants and reduce inflammation.

Reported by Hello Sehat, Friday, July 16, a study from Pharmacognosy Magazine explains that flavonoids play a role in encouraging beta cell function in the pancreas. In red betel, flavonoids can help the process of secretion or insulin production in the pancreas.

In people with type 1 diabetes, red betel can help the absorption of glucose in the blood. Because the pancreas does not work effectively to produce insulin, there is a buildup of glucose in the blood. Well, red betel leaf can help the pancreas work to reduce the buildup of glucose.

A second study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences explains that the flavonoids in the red betel plant can increase insulin sensitivity.

If insulin sensitivity increases, as experienced by type 2 diabetes patients, flavonoids can reduce insulin resistance. In conditions of insulin resistance, the body cannot effectively use insulin to process glucose.

So far, there has been no further research on doses that can be used as a reference so that the effects of the red betel plant work effectively.

Several studies showing the potential of flavonoid content on insulin production and sensitivity require retesting on a larger scale.

In general, red betel leaf is used for its properties by drinking boiled water. The trick, prepare 8-10 red betel leaves and wash them thoroughly. Then boil in 500-600 ml until the water changes color. The boiled water can be drunk.

But more importantly, first consult a specialist who knows your medical record. Because not all alternative medicine can be mixed with routine drugs that are prescribed and need to be consumed every day.