Official! Erick Thohir Officially Appoints Airlangga Hartarto's Subordinates To Be PLN Commissioners

JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir has decided to reshuffle the board of commissioners of the state electricity company, or PLN. This is in accordance with the PLN General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) through the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) number SK-239/MBU/07/2021 on July 16, 2021.

Erick decided to appoint and appoint Susiwijono Moegiarso, Heru Winarko, and Alex Iskandar Munaf as PLN Commissioners. Currently, Susiwijono also serves as Secretary of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, while Heru Winarko is known to be a retired police officer who once served as Head of the National Narcotics Agency.

The GMS also honorably dismissed Ilya Avianti, Murtaqi Syamsuddin, Deden Juhara and Mohammad Rudy Salahuddin from the position of PLN commissioners.

PLN congratulates on duty and will fully support Susiwijono Moegiarso, Heru Winarko and Alex Iskandar Munaf as PLN Commissioners.

The Company also expresses gratitude for the dedication that has been given by Ilya Avianti, Murtaqi Syamsuddin, Deden Juhara and Mohammad Rudy Salahuddin.

"The change of commissioners is a common thing and part of efforts to improve company performance. PLN continues to be committed to transformation to provide the best and excellent service for all customers in the country," said Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications and CSR PLN Agung Murdifi in a statement. he wrote.

With the above changes, the composition of the PLN Commissioners is as follows:

- President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner: Amien Sunaryadi

- Deputy President Commissioner: Suahasil Nazara

- Commissioner: Mohamad Ikhsan

- Commissioner: Muhammad Yusuf Ateh

- Commissioner: Rida Mulyana

- Commissioner: Dudy Purwagandhi

- Commissioner: Eko Sulistyo

- Commissioner: Ardan Adiperdana

- Commissioner: Susiwijono Moegiarso

- Independent Commissioner: Heru Winarko

- Independent Commissioner: Alex Iskandar Munaf