Easy Tips For Overcoming Anosmia When Infected With COVID-19

JAKARTA - The spread of the COVID-19 virus in the country is currently getting wider. Not only adults, now Corona also threatens children. Many of the Covid-positive patients complain of symptoms such as loss of sense of smell or anosmia. Anosmia can actually also be felt when you have a cold, sinus, or other upper respiratory tract infection.
Anosmia can be treated medically with the help of antibiotics. However, loss of sense of smell can also be treated using natural ingredients. Launch Babe, Thursday, July 15, here are natural ways to restore the sense of smell.
essential oil
Essential oils are not only used to treat aches and pains or improve mood, they can also be used to restore smell. Covid patients are usually advised to treat anosmia by smelling four different essential oils for 20-40 seconds.
Garlic is well known for its properties in maintaining the body's immunity. In Ayurveda it is stated that the consumption of garlic can relieve swelling around the nasal passages. If the swelling can be resolved, then the sense of smell can be restored. You can try sipping a garlic concoction that has been crushed and given water.
Castor oil
Containing antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, castor oil is also commonly used to relieve symptoms of sinusitis, allergies, relieve symptoms of coughs, colds, and restore the sense of smell. Just drop 2-3 drops of castor oil into a handkerchief and try to inhale it regularly.
Red chili and cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper or chili powder can help restore your lost sense of smell. While it's not a science-backed remedy, its benefits lie in the powerful ingredient present in the spice-capsaicin, which is said to effectively "clear" nasal congestion, activate the senses and improve the function of the sense of smell. It is also very helpful in getting rid of the flu. Make sure you mix it with a cup of water or add a sweetener like honey before consuming it.
Another alternative to cure anosmia is by sniffing a burnt orange or eating the flesh of an orange. The content of vitamin C, antioxidants and strong anti-microbial properties in oranges is very important in treating infections that cause excessive mucus build-up in the nasal passages followed by a runny nose that is stuffy.